What should LinkedIn InMail say?

What should LinkedIn InMail say?


  1. Keep in mind your number of credits and send LinkedIn InMail only to top prospects.
  2. Get specific.
  3. Write an attention-grabbing subject line.
  4. Directly address how you will benefit them.
  5. Research their LinkedIn for pain points or interest points.
  6. Spark a conversation versus simply trying to get your point across.

How do you write a catchy message on LinkedIn?

Tips to customize LinkedIn connection request messages

  1. Introduce yourself. Always include a quick introduction (no more than a line or two) about who you are and what you do.
  2. Mention how you found them.
  3. Connect on common ground.
  4. Be clear about your intention to connect.

What is a good InMail response rate on LinkedIn?

Recruiters must keep their InMail response rate at or above 13% on 100 or more InMail messages sent within a 14-day period. If you send more than 100 InMail messages over a 14-day period and have a response rate less than 13%, you’ll receive a warning notification as well as tips to improve your response rate.

What is the best way to use LinkedIn InMail?

LinkedIn InMail Tips

  1. Be direct.
  2. Make a small request.
  3. Spark their interest.
  4. Be natural.
  5. Explain why you’re reaching out.
  6. Make it about them.
  7. Don’t make them do work.
  8. Customize your templates.

How do InMails work on LinkedIn?

InMail messages is a premium feature, and it allows you to directly message another LinkedIn member that you’re not connected to. If you have a Basic (free) account, then you can only directly message LinkedIn members that you’re connected to. You must upgrade to a Premium account to use InMail messages.

What is a LinkedIn InMail?

What is InMail? InMail is a credible, private, and customized messaging tool helping you contact any LinkedIn user, including 2nd and 3rd degree connections.

How long should a LinkedIn InMail be?

Your InMail should be no longer than three paragraphs or 100 words. A good tip is to view your message on a mobile / tablet and see if it fits on the screen. If it’s longer than that you need to edit it.

How do you write a powerful message on LinkedIn?

How to Write LinkedIn Messages That Actually Get Read

  1. Step 1: Start with a Specific Title. Before you write the message, ask yourself: How do I know this person, and why am I reaching out to him or her?
  2. Step 2: Introduce Yourself.
  3. Step 3: Get to Why You’re Writing—and Fast.
  4. Step 4: Wrap it Up and Say Thank You.

What does a good InMail look like?

The Ideal InMail Structure Your InMail should capture your recipients’ attention and convey credibility and what value you can offer quickly, so keep it short and snappy (around 150 words generally works best). Your InMail shouldn’t be salesy – it’s about building a conversation.

How effective is InMail?

The response rate for InMails of 201 to 400 characters is 16% above the average rate. Less than 10% of all InMails are under 400 characters, while the majority fall between 400 and 1,000 characters. That may be why shorter InMails are so effective: They stand out from 90% of other InMails simply by their brevity.

How effective are LinkedIn InMails?

The average response rate of a LinkedIn InMail, when used correctly, is between 10 and 25%. In fact, a LinkedIn InMail is three times more effective than regular email if you send one the right way.

How do I get LinkedIn InMail?

To add InMail credits to your LinkedIn.com account:

  1. Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Select Access My Premium from the dropdown.
  3. Click Buy More next to InMail messages on the right rail.
  4. In the Purchase InMail pop-up window, select the amount you’d like to purchase from the dropdown.

Which is an example of an InMail from LinkedIn?

Anything to inform the recipient or prospect that you know them beyond LinkedIn is important. For example, here’s a sample InMail from Social Talent to Siotra Patt. Before sending the message, the company actually read his article elsewhere.

Which is the best subject line for LinkedIn InMail?

The keepers are the best subject lines that are most likely to entice a candidate to read the InMail and actually consider the position. 1. (Shared connection) suggested that I reach out to you…

What should I avoid in my first LinkedIn InMail?

Here’s an example InMail template the offers relevant value to the recipient: Avoid booking for appointments in your first LinkedIn InMail. You’ll reduce your chances of getting a response. Your first InMail to prospective clients should be the beginning of your discussion.

How to make your LinkedIn InMail messages count?

Here are some tips for making your InMail messages count: If applicable, mention connections you have in common Include a compelling call to action. Copy to Text Blaze any of the examples below. Insert it in a LinkedIn InMail subject line using a keyboard shortcut. The snippet will fill in both the subject and the content of the message.

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