Can you connect CPU fan to power supply?

Can you connect CPU fan to power supply?

Like 007agentHP said, connecting the cpu cooler fan directly to the power supply will just make it run full speed. There’s no real downside in terms of temps, only in noise maybe.

Where do I plug in my CPU cooler?

CPU cooling fans should ALWAYS be plugged into the header that is specifically labeled “CPU Fan” and not “CPU Optional” or any other header.

Can you connect Molex to motherboard?

You can hook the fans up with either the molex connection or the connection to the motherboard. They are there to give people the option in case their motherboard does not have the connections. If you go with the molex connections you will not be able to control the fan speeds from within the system.

How do I connect RGB fans to PSU?

You will find one with a 6-pin connector on one end marked “Perif”, and that plugs into the corresponding socket of the PSU. That cable has THREE female 4-pin Molex output connectors on it, and you should plug one of those into the power input connector of the fan controller in your case.

How do I connect my CPU cooler to my motherboard?

Position your CPU fan over the back side of the CPU and line up the four corner contact points with the holes in the motherboard. Insert the contact points into the holes in the motherboard and secure them down with your CPU fan’s default connection method (they might click in place or secure with screws).

Is molex necessary?

Molex connectors are necessary when you don’t have any 3 pin headers left on your board to connect fans. Then you use molex connectors to connect the fans to your power supply rather than the motherboard.

Is molex to SATA safe?

Molex to SATA adapter cables are a very simple and cost-effective alternative to buying a new power supply. However, they can be a dangerous alternative to getting a quality power supply, potentially damaging your SSD, internal components, and may also pose a fire risk in your home.

Should I plug case fans into motherboard or PSU?

If you want to have your mobo measure the speeds of your case fans, you must plug them into the mobo ports so that the Speed Pulse signals from the fan motors can be sent back to the mobo on Pin 3 of each port. But interestingly, CONTROL of fan speed does NOT link to this signal.

How can I connect my PSU to my CPU?

How to: Connect a PSU to a 4-pin CPU port Our power supply units (PSUs) use an 8-pin EPS12v CPU cable that can be split into two 4-pin connectors. If you want to connect our PSU into a 4-pin EPS motherboard port, simply pull the two halves of the connector apart and connect one half into the motherboard port.

What’s the best way to install a CPU cooler?

Line up your CPU cooler Take your cooler and hold it over the CPU, carefully lining up the screws (or whatever type of connector it uses) with the holes in your motherboard or the standoffs you installed earlier. Lower the cooler onto the CPU.

What can I do with Penn State connect?

Through Connect, you can join organizations, see upcoming events, and get connected to other campus resources! All Penn State Altoona recognized student organizations are housed on this platform for you to explore as well as several student-service based departments.

Can a PSU connect to a 4 pin motherboard?

If you want to connect our PSU into a 4-pin EPS motherboard port, simply pull the two halves of the connector apart and connect one half into the motherboard port. Have more questions? Submit a request Inventory available, waiting for warehouse confirmation. Warehouse has begun packing process. Package ready for handoff to shipping service.

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