What is the difference between Apache CXF and Axis2?

What is the difference between Apache CXF and Axis2?

1 Answer. The main differences between axis2 web service and CXF web service are as follows: CXF has support for WS-Addressing, WS-Policy, WS-RM, WS-Security, and WS-I BasicProfile. Axis2 supports each of these except for WS-Policy, which will be supported in an upcoming version.

What is the difference between JAX RPC and JAX-WS web services?

One of the main difference between JAX-RPC and JAX-WS is the programming model. A JAX-WS based service uses annotations (such @WebService) to declare webservice endpoints. With JAX-WS, you can have a webservice deployed on a Java EE compliant application server without a single deployment descriptor.

What is JAX-WS used for?

JAX-WS is a technology for building web services and clients that communicate using XML. JAX-WS allows developers to write message-oriented as well as RPC-oriented web services. In JAX-WS, a web service operation invocation is represented by an XML-based protocol such as SOAP.

What is Apache Axis2 used for?

Apache Axis2 is a web service engine. It is a complete re-design and re-write of the widely used Apache Axis SOAP stack. Implementations of Axis2 are available in Java and C. Axis2 provides the capability to add Web services interfaces to Web applications.

What does Apache CXF stand for?

Apache CXF is the product of two projects, Celtix and XFire , hence the name CXF . Celtix , an open source Java-based Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) project, is a product of ObjectWeb consortia that delivers open source middleware solutions.

What is role of JAX-RPC in Web services?

The JAX-RPC standard covers the programming model and bindings for using Web Services Description Language (WSDL) for Web services in the Java language. JAX-RPC simplifies development of web services by shielding you from the underlying complexity of SOAP communication.

Which SOAP bindings does JAX-RPC support?

SOAP standards JAX-RPC and JAX-WS both support SOAP 1.1. The default binding supported by JAX-WS is SOAP 1.1 over HTTP. But it can also support SOAP 1.2 binding over HTTP. As a Java programmer you might not encounter any difference between SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2.

What is JAX-WS web services in eclipse?

This tutorial is a guide to developing JAX-WS webservices in Eclipse Scout. JAX-WS stands for Java API for XML Web Services. The JAX-WS version supported by Eclipse Scout is JAX-WS RI 2.1. Also, a webservice will be published to access the application’s company data from within another application.

What is CXF frontend?

CXF provides the ‘simple’ frontend to map Java APIs to and from WSDL models for web services. The JAX-WS frontend is far more flexible than the Simple frontend. There are only two reasons to select Simple over JAX-WS: You must avoid the use of Java annotations.

What’s the difference between Axis 2 and JAX-WS?

JAX-WS are Java standard to build web service. Apache CXF and Apache Axis 2 are two implementations of JAX-WS. They also offer JAX-RS implementations so that you can build Restful services. CXF has better integration with Spring, and Camel ( camel-cxf ). And Axis 2 seems not have a active release.

What are the benefits of JAX-WS programming standard?

The implementation of the JAX-WS programming standard provides the following enhancements for developing Web services and clients: Better platform independence for Java applications. Using JAX-WS APIs, development of Web services and clients is simplified with better platform independence for Java applications.

Which is better CXF or JAX-WS in Java?

JAX-WS are Java standard to build web service. Apache CXF and Apache Axis 2 are two implementations of JAX-WS. They also offer JAX-RS implementations so that you can build Restful services. CXF has better integration with Spring, and Camel ( camel-cxf ).

Which is the default data binding technology for JAX-WS?

JAXB is the default data binding technology used by the Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.0 tooling and implementation within this product. You can develop JAXB objects for use within JAX-WS applications.

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