What does a chuck under the chin mean?

What does a chuck under the chin mean?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishchuck somebody under the chinchuck somebody under the chin informalto gently touch someone under their chin in a friendly way → chuck.

What is Chuck slang for?

(slang) A friend or close acquaintance; term of endearment. Are you all right, chuck? noun.

What is the meaning of Chuk?

1 : a cut of beef that includes most of the neck, the parts about the shoulder blade, and those about the first three ribs — see beef illustration. 2 chiefly Western US : food. 3 : an attachment for holding a workpiece or tool in a machine (such as a drill or lathe)

Does chunk mean throw away?

Verb. 1. to hurl, throw. Chunk da ball na! (Chunk the ball now!)

Does Chuck mean throw?

Slang. to vomit; upchuck: It’s the third time this week the dog’s chucked his dinner. a light pat, tap, or stroke, as under the chin: Let Grammy give her angel a little chuck. a toss or pitch; a short throw: Give it a chuck over here.

Why does Chuck mean throw?

chuck (v. 1) “to throw,” 1590s, variant of chock “give a blow under the chin” (1580s), possibly from French choquer “to shock, strike against,” imitative (see shock (n. 1)).

How do you describe a very thick solid piece cut off a loaf?

A chunk of something is a thick solid piece of it.

How much is a chunk?

Put plainly, a chunk is a 256-block tall, 16×16 block segment of a Minecraft world. They are used by the game’s world generation code to break the game world into segments that are easier to map out for the game engine. In total, chunks measure in at 65,536 blocks.

Why is Chuck slang for food?

“piece of wood,” 1670s; “piece of meat,” 1723; probably a variant of chock (n.) “block.” “Chock and chuck appear to have been originally variants of the same word, which are now somewhat differentiated” [OED]. Specifically of shoulder meat from early 18c. meaning “food, grub,” generalized from the meat sense.

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