What is a cardiophrenic mass?

What is a cardiophrenic mass?

The cardiophrenic space is usually filled with fat. However, lesions originating above or lower to the diaphragm can present as cardiophrenic angle lesions. The more common lesions encountered include: pericardial fat pad. pericardial cyst.

What causes blunting of cardiophrenic angle?

Blunting of the costophrenic angles is usually caused by a pleural effusion, as already discussed. Other causes of costophrenic angle blunting include lung disease in the region of the costophrenic angle, and lung hyperexpansion.

What is a cardiophrenic lymph node?

Cardiophrenic lymph nodes were defined as those lymph nodes located anterior to the pericardium and within 2 cm of the diaphragm.

What is cardiophrenic region?

The cardiophrenic space is situated in the most basal region of the mediastinum and is bordered by the base of the heart, diaphragm, and chest wall. Under normal conditions, the cardiophrenic space is occupied by fat (,Fig 1,).

Where is the Cardiophrenic region?

The cardiophrenic space is situated in the most basal region of the mediastinum and is bordered by the base of the heart, diaphragm, and chest wall.

Where is the cardiophrenic angle located?

The cardiophrenic angle is the angle between the heart and the diaphragm, as seen on imaging (most commonly X-ray). There are two cardiophrenic angles, however the one on the right is obscured by the cardiohepatic angle (the angle between the heart and liver).

Where is cardiophrenic angle?

Where is Cardiophrenic angle?

What is the right cardiophrenic angle?

The right cardiophrenic angle is the most common location for a pericardial cyst, which should be of tissue opacity in contrast to the fat pad, but either lesion may be seen in the left cardiophrenic angle.

Where is the Cardiophrenic recess?

The medial inferior corner of the pulmonary cavity bordered by the heart and diaphragm.

What is meant by Cardiophrenic fat pad?

Pericardial fat pads are normal structures that lie in the cardiophrenic angle. They are adipose tissues surrounding the heart composed of the epicardial fat, which lies between the myocardium and visceral pericardium, and paracardial fat, which is adherent and external to the parietal pericardium.

How is cardiomegaly different from pericardial effusion?

How do you distinguish cardiomegaly from pericardial effusion?

  1. There is pulmonary congestion in CHF and pulmonary oligemia in pericardial effusion.
  2. Shape of the heart is helpful. Water bottle appearance in pericardial effusion.
  3. Displacement of precardiac fat line in pericardial effusion .

Can a cardiophrenic angle be a mediastinal mass?

Although a number of the mediastinal masses already described can occur at the level of the anterior cardiophrenic angle, the differential diagnosis of lesions occurring in this location includes several additional entities.

What are the most common cardiophrenic angle lesions?

The cardiophrenic space is usually filled with fat. However, lesions originating above or lower to the diaphragm can present as cardiophrenic angle lesions. The more common lesions encountered include: pericardial fat pad. pericardial cyst. pericardial fat necrosis. Morgagni’s hernia. lymphadenopathy: metastasis, lymphoma, reactional.

How big is the right cardiophrenic angle on a CT scan?

They most commonly occur at the right cardiophrenic angle and are typically 1 to 3 cm in diameter.2 On all imaging modalities, they present as a well-circumscribed, thin-walled cystic mass with fluid characteristics, anechoic by echocardiography, hypoattenuating on CT, and consistent on all MRI sequences (Fig.

What causes fat in the right cardiophrenic angle?

The right cardiophrenic angle is another location that suggests a more limited diagnosis (Chart 9.3 ). Fat collections in this location include an enlarged epicardial fat pad, lipoma, thymolipoma, or Morgagni hernia with mesenteric fat and are the most common causes of a mass in this area ( Fig 9.8, A and B ).

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