What is another word for mess with?

What is another word for mess with?

What is another word for mess with?

monkey with fiddle
interfere interfere with
meddle meddle with
mess play with
tamper tamper with

What does it mean when you mess with something?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishmess with somebody/something phrasal verb informal1 to get involved with someone or something that may cause problems or be dangerous Don’t mess with drugs. 2 to deceive someone or cause trouble for them You mess with me, and I’ll rip your head off.

What is the meaning of mess with me?

/mes/ us. /mes/ informal. to treat someone in a bad, rude, or annoying way, or to start an argument with someone: I’ve warned you already, don’t mess with me!

What is the synonym for interfere?

Some common synonyms of interfere are intercede, interpose, intervene, and mediate. While all these words mean “to come or go between,” interfere implies hindering.

How do you say messed up formal?

  1. confused,
  2. deranged,
  3. disarranged,
  4. disarrayed,
  5. discomposed,
  6. disheveled.
  7. (or dishevelled),
  8. disjointed,

How do you describe a mess?

A mess is a generally dirty state, like your bedroom, your hair, or anything else that’s untidy. In addition to describing a jumble of stuff, mess can describe a confused or difficult situation, like the mess your finances are in if you have seven credit cards.

What does not to be messed with mean?

phrasal verb. If you tell someone not to mess with a person or thing, you are warning them not to get involved with that person or thing.

What messing you up meaning?

“What’s messing you up?” means “What is it that is causing you to make mistakes?”

Was just messing with you meaning?

“I’m just kidding”

How do you use interfere?

1. The authorities did not interfere with us. 2. Don’t interfere in what doesn’t concern you.

What is antonym for interfere?

Antonyms: avoid, hold aloof, hold off, keep aloof, keep away, keep clear, keep out, let alone, let be, retire, stand aside, stand away, stand back, stand off, withdraw. Synonyms: arbitrate, intercede, intercept, intermeddle, interpose, interrupt, meddle, mediate.

What is another way to say mess up?

mess up Add to list Share

  • make a mess of, destroy or ruin. synonyms: ball up, blow, bobble, bodge, bollix, bollix up, botch, botch up, bumble, bungle, butcher, flub, fluff, foul up, fumble, louse up, mishandle, muck up, muff, screw up, spoil.
  • make a mess of or create disorder in. synonyms: mess.
  • disturb the smoothness of.

What is the meaning of messing with something?

1. To change, fiddle, or play with something, often without permission to do so. My tools are not toys—please do not mess with them. Hey, don’t mess with the thermostat—it needs to stay at 65 degrees. 2. To clash with someone or something.

Which is the correct definition of the word’mess with’?

Definition of ‘mess with’. mess with. phrasal verb. If you tell someone not to mess with a person or thing, you are warning them not to get involved with that person or thing.

What is the meaning of ” Don’t Mess with “?

Interfere or associate with; also, annoy, bother. For example, Our group won’t mess with those street musicians, or I told him not to mess with me or there would be trouble. [ Colloquial; c. 1900]

What does it mean to mess with someone’s head?

4. To confuse or puzzle someone. One minute he’s flirting with me, and the next, he’s completely disinterested. His mixed signals are totally messing with my head! Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

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