What is CIN 2 colposcopy?

What is CIN 2 colposcopy?

CIN 2 means two-thirds of the thickness of the cervical surface layer is affected by abnormal cells. There is a higher risk the abnormal cells will develop into cervical cancer. You may be offered treatment to stop this happening, or another colposcopy.

Should I worry about CIN 2?

But some studies have suggested that CIN2 lesions often regress completely without treatment and should therefore be simply monitored instead. Some experts feel that approach could be especially important for younger women, since treating these lesions can pose a risk to future pregnancies.

Is CIN 2 precancerous?

CIN – The outer surface of the cervix is composed of cells called squamous cells. A precancerous lesion affecting these cells is called CIN. These changes are categorized as being mild (CIN 1) or moderate to severe (CIN 2 or 3).

What are the chances of CIN 2 returning?

Five-year risks of recurrent CIN2+ after treatment varied both by antecedent screening test result and the histology of the treated lesion. The risk ranged from 5% for CIN2 preceded by HPV-positive/ASC-US or LSIL to 16% for CIN3/AIS preceded by AGC/ASC-H/HSIL+ (p<0.0001).

How serious is CIN 2?

CIN 2 is not cancer, but may become cancer and spread to nearby normal tissue if not treated. Treatment for CIN 2 may include cryotherapy, laser therapy, loop electrosurgical procedure (LEEP), or cone biopsy to remove or destroy the abnormal tissue. CIN 2 is sometimes called high-grade or moderate dysplasia.

Does HPV always cause CIN 2?

CIN2 and CIN3 are always caused by high-risk HPV infections. The typical treatment procedure for CIN2 or CIN3 involves removing a cone-shaped piece of the cervix, called a LEEP or a cone.

Can CIN 2 disappear?

CIN 2 lesions often clear up on their own, but can also progress to CIN 3 lesions. CIN 3 is the most severe. It’s a very slow-growing disease, though: fewer than half of CIN 3 lesions will have become cancer within 30 years.

How serious is CIN2?

How long does it take for CIN 2 to progress?

However, it is estimated that 5% of CIN 2 and 12% of CIN 3 cases will progress to invasive cancer if untreated. In general, it takes 10 to 20 years for CIN to progress to cancer, allowing a significant time period for detection and treatment.

How long does it take to develop CIN 2?

Whereas CIN2/3 typically develops within a few years of infection with HPV (4–6), progression to invasive carcinoma is generally thought to require much more time.

Will CIN 2 go away?

How long does it take CIN 2 to go away?

In a meta-analysis of 36 studies involving 3,160 women with CIN2 who were actively monitored for at least 3 months, 50% of the lesions regressed spontaneously, 32% persisted, and just under one in five (18%) progressed to CIN3 or worse within 2 years.

How long does it take to get results back from a colposcopy?

Typically it takes somewhere between a couple of weeks to maximum a month to get back the results from a colposcopy. If your colposcopy came back normal, the doctor may recommend further testing to understand why your Pap smear was abnormal.

Why would I need a colposcopy?

A colposcopy can be used to diagnose: abnormal cervical cells, or precancer or cancer of the cervix, vagina, or vulva. genital warts. inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis)

How do they do a colposcopy?

Colposcopy is performed in a doctor’s office and usually takes about 10 to 20 minutes. It is done in the same manner a pelvic exam or Pap smear is performed. The patient will lie on the exam table with feet resting in the stirrups. A speculum is inserted into the vagina to open it up for better visibility.

What can a colposcopy find?

A colposcopy is a type of cervical cancer test. It lets your doctor or nurse get a close-up look at your cervix — the opening to your uterus. It’s used to find abnormal cells in your cervix.

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