What is receptive relaxation?

What is receptive relaxation?

Receptive relaxation is a reflex in which the gastric fundus dilates when food passes down the pharynx and the esophagus. This leads to the release of NO from the nitroxergic efferent neuron, which causes relaxation of circular muscle and hence of the fundus.

What is the purpose of a vagotomy?

A vagotomy is a surgical procedure that removes part of your vagus nerve, which serves many important functions, such as controlling the production of stomach acid. In the past, it was frequently used to treat ulcers, but new medications have made it less common, especially on its own.

What are the side effects of a vagotomy?

Vagotomy Side Effects

  • Diarrhea.
  • Cholestasis, or the stopping or slowing of bile in the gallbladder.
  • Gallstones.
  • Delayed gastric emptying.
  • Dumping syndrome.
  • Weight loss.
  • Bleeding.
  • Injury to the stomach, esophagus, and/or major blood vessels during surgery.

What stimulates the Vagovagal reflex?

The vagal afferents are activated during the gastric phase of digestion when the corpus and fundus of the stomach are distended secondary to the entry of a food bolus. The stimulation of the mechanical receptors located in the gastric mucosa stimulates the vagus afferents.

Where does receptive relaxation take place?

Receptive relaxation refers to the muscle relaxation in the stomach that occurs before the entry of the food through the esophagus.

Where does receptive relaxation occur in the digestive system?

During digestion in the fed state, receptive relaxation occurs. In receptive relaxation, the smooth muscles of the proximal part of the stomach relax and dilate when food enters the stomach. This receptive relaxation enables a large amount of food to amass in the stomach with a minimal rise in intragastric pressure.

When do you do vagotomy?

Vagotomy is indicated for patients who develop acute complications from peptic ulcer disease (ie, bleeding, perforation, obstruction) or chronic intractable symptoms such as pain, despite being on maximally tolerated medical therapies.

How is a Pyloroplasty done?

Pyloroplasty involves cutting through and removing some of the pyloric sphincter to widen and relax the pylorus. This makes it easier for food to pass into the duodenum. In some cases, the pyloric sphincter is entirely removed.

Why Pyloroplasty is done?

Why the Procedure is Performed Pyloroplasty is used to treat complications in people with peptic ulcers or other stomach problems that cause a blockage of the stomach opening.

Does vagotomy increase gastric emptying?

It decreases gastric emptying, which reduces the acid input into the duodenum. SST also has a variety of other effects, including inhibition of the release of a number of protein hormones. Gastrin, ghrelin, and motilin all increase the rate of gastric emptying.

What is Vasa Vago?

Vasovagal syncope (vay-zoh-VAY-gul SING-kuh-pee) occurs when you faint because your body overreacts to certain triggers, such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress. It may also be called neurocardiogenic syncope. The vasovagal syncope trigger causes your heart rate and blood pressure to drop suddenly.

How does bradycardia maintain homeostasis?

Reflex bradycardia is a bradycardia (decrease in heart rate) in response to the baroreceptor reflex, one of the body’s homeostatic mechanisms for preventing abnormal increases in blood pressure. In order to maintain homeostasis, the cardiovascular centres activate the parasympathetic nervous system. …

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