What is the tempo of your song by Elton John?

What is the tempo of your song by Elton John?

Your Song is amoodysong byElton Johnwith a tempo of128 BPM.It can also be used half-time at64 BPM or double-time at256 BPM.

How long does it take for Elton John to write a song?

The song began, as did all their songs, with words. Famously Bernie would toil hard on lyrics, spending days or weeks if necessary to perfect them. Elton would then take the finished lyric, and usually in little more than 15 minutes, compose the perfect melody.

What key is tiny dancer in?

Tiny Dancer is written in the key of C.

Who is the composer of your song by Elton John?

For other uses, see Your Song (disambiguation). ” Your Song ” is a song by English musician Elton John from his self-titled second studio album (1970). It was written by John and his longtime collaborator Bernie Taupin.

When did Elton John release Your Song in the UK?

“Your Song” rose to number eight on the Billboard Hot 100 and number seven on the UK Singles Chart by January 1971. In 2002, John re-recorded the song as a duet with opera singer Alessandro Safina for the first Sport Relief charity telethon and released it on 15 July 2002; this version reached number four in the UK.

When did Lady Gaga cover your song by Elton John?

At the 2013 Grammy Awards, Colombian singer Juanes performed a bilingual rendition of “Your Song”. Gaga recorded a cover of the song for the 2018 tribute album Revamp: Reimagining the Songs of Elton John & Bernie Taupin.

When did Elton John Sing Your Song at the Grammys?

John performed “Your Song” to open the Concert for Diana on 1 July 2007. John and Lady Gaga performed a medley of “Your Song” with Gaga’s song ” Speechless ” at the 52nd Annual Grammy Awards on 31 January 2010. At the 2013 Grammy Awards, Colombian singer Juanes performed a bilingual rendition of “Your Song”.

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