Do mermaids really exist?

Do mermaids really exist?

The NOAA announces that mermaids do not exist

  • A “mockumenary” by Animal Planet spurred questions as to the existence of mermaids
  • Viewers took to social media to discuss the film
  • Mermaids do exist at Weeki Wachee Springs,says park spokesman
  • Is there any proof that mermaids exist?

    Mermaids – underwater creatures that are half fish and half human – do not exist except in people’s imaginations. Scientists who study the ocean for the United States have investigated their possible existence and say no evidence of mermaids has ever been found. You might wonder why government scientists looked into this question.

    What mermaids really are?

    Mermaids are the female members of the underwater race of merfolk. Males are called mermen and are supposedly ever more shy and secretive than their female counterparts. In almost every story about them they never come to the surface to the ocean.

    Is there real mermaid in this world?

    Officially NOAA says there is not now nor has there ever been any evidence of a real mermaid but they go on to say that over 80 percent of the world’s oceans remain unexplored. Un officially NOAA says there is the possibility that a mermaid or mermaid creature could exist.

    Is it possible mermaids are real?

    Mermaids are not real; there is no conclusive scientific evidence that proves their existence in real life. Mermaids are mythical creatures that have been a part of folklore and legends for thousands of years. The myth of mermaids dates back to around 1,000 B.C.

    Is there proof that mermaids exist?

    There is no evidence that mermaids exist, a US government scientific agency has said. The National Ocean Service made the unusual declaration in response to public inquiries following a TV show on the mythical creatures.

    What would a real mermaid look like?

    In folklore, a mermaid is an aquatic creature with the head and upper body of a female human and the tail of a fish. Mermaids appear in the folklore of many cultures worldwide, including the Near East, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

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