How tall does a Myosotis scorpioides plant grow?

How tall does a Myosotis scorpioides plant grow?

Noteworthy Characteristics. Myosotis scorpioides, commonly called water forget-me-not or true forget-me-not, is a rhizomatous marginal aquatic perennial that typically grows 6-10” ( less frequently to 18”) tall on decumbent to upright angular stems.

Is the Myosotis scorpioides invasive to the Great Lakes?

Despite some reports of this species being ecologically invasive, it is widespread and generally of low concern. Great Lakes Impacts: Current research on the environmental impact of Myosotis scorpioides in the Great Lakes is inadequate to support proper assessment.

Is there any way to control Myosotis scorpioides?

Control options have not been very well documented. This species is likely very difficult to control due to abundant seed production and spread via stolons. There are no known biological control methods for this species. This plant cannot survive exposure to temperatures below -33 F (USDA Plants Database, 2013).

How big of a container do I need for Myosotis scorpioides?

Creeping underground rhizomes form dense colonies. Plant in 1 gallon container with up to 3 in. of water over the crown to control spread. Naturalizes on banks of still and slow-moving water.

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