How do I change the data source in an existing PivotTable?

How do I change the data source in an existing PivotTable?

Click the PivotTable report. On the Analyze tab, in the Data group, click Change Data Source, and then click Change Data Source. The Change PivotTable Data Source dialog box is displayed.

How do I change the values in a PivotTable?

Select a field in the Values area for which you want to change the summary function of the PivotTable report. On the Options tab, in the Active Field group, click Active Field, and then click Field Settings. The Value Field Settings dialog box is displayed. The Source Name is the name of the field in the data source.

How do I change the source name in PivotTable?

PivotTable report

  1. Click the field or item that you want to rename.
  2. Go to PivotTable Tools > Analyze, and in the Active Field group, click the Active Field text box. If you’re using Excel 2007-2010, go to PivotTable Tools > Options.
  3. Type a new name.
  4. Press ENTER.

How do I reselect data in a pivot table?

Answer:Select the Options tab from the toolbar at the top of the screen. In the Data group, click on Change Data Source button. When the Change PivotTable Data Source window appears, change the Table/Range value to reflect the new data source for your pivot table. Click on the OK button.

How do I reset data source in Excel?

Select any cell in the pivot table. On the Ribbon, under the PivotTable Tools tab, click the Analyze tab (in Excel 2010, click the Options tab). In the Data group, click the top section of the Change Data Source command. In the Change PivotTable Data Source dialog box, clear the Table/Range box.

How do I change the grand total to a difference in pivot tables?

To change the total to a Difference From calculation, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click one of the Units value cells, and click Show Values As.
  2. Click Difference From.
  3. In the Show Values As dialog box, from the Base field list, choose Date.
  4. From the Base item list, choose (previous).

How do I remove grand totals from a PivotTable?

Show or hide grand totals Click anywhere in the PivotTable to show the PivotTable Analyze and Design tabs. Click Design > Grand Totals. Pick the option you want: Off for Rows & Columns.

How do I change the data source in Excel?

Select the Analyze tab from the toolbar at the top of the screen. In the Data group, click on Change Data Source button and select “Change Data Source” from the popup menu.

How do I change the columns in a pivot table?

Move a column to the row labels area or a row to the column labels area

  1. Right-click a row field, point to Move , and then click Move To Columns.
  2. Right-click a column field, and then click Move to Rows.
  3. Drag a row or column field to a different area.

Where is the Change Data Source button in Excel?

How do I change the data source in an Excel chart?

On the ribbon, click Chart Design and then click Select Data. This selects the data range of the chart and displays the Select Data Source dialog box. To edit a legend series, in the Legend entries (series) box, click the series you want to change. Then, edit the Name and Y values boxes to make any changes.

How do I change the data source of a chart in Excel?

How to Edit a Chart’s Data Source in Excel 2010

  1. Select the chart and then, on the Chart Tools Design tab, click the Select Data button in the Data group. Excel opens the Select Data Source dialog box.
  2. Click and drag in the worksheet to select the new data range.
  3. Release the mouse button.
  4. Click OK.

How do I automatically update a pivot table in Excel?

Method 1 – Automatically refresh pivot table when opening the file. This is the simplest way to automatically refresh pivot table. Right click on the pivot table, select Pivot Table Options. Check the box Refresh data when opening the file. Now whenever you open the workbook, the pivot table gets refreshed.

How do I expand a pivot table in Excel?

Instead of changing pivot items individually, you can use the pivot table commands, to expand or collapse the entire pivot field. Right-click the pivot item, then click Expand/Collapse Select on of the Expand/Collapse options: To see the details for all items in the selected pivot field, click Expand Entire Field.

How do I change the source data in a pivot?

Select the Analyze tab from the toolbar at the top of the screen. In the Data group, click on Change Data Source button and select “Change Data Source” from the popup menu. When the Change PivotTable Data Source window appears, change the Table/Range value to the new data source that you want for your pivot table and then click on the OK button.

How do I change the range of a pivot table?

1. Select any cell in the pivot table. 2. On the Ribbon, under the PivotTable Tools tab, click the Options tab. 3. In the Data group, click the top section of the Change Data Source command. In the Change PivotTable Data Source dialog box, you can see the the source table or range in the Table/Range box.

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