Why do we backstay tension?
Tensioning the mainsheet tensions the mainsail leech. The leech acts like a backstay to induce compression and mast bend. To compensate, add luff tension with either the halyard or cunningham. Conversely, when you ease the backstay, you need to remember to ease luff tension and ease the mainsheet or vang.
What is the meaning of backstay?
1 : a stay extending aft from a masthead. 2 : a strengthening or supporting device at the back (as of a carriage or a shoe)
How do you tension a yacht rigging?
Proper tension will leave the leeward upper shrouds taut with 15 degrees of heel and a full crew on the rail. The uppers should be tighter than the lowers; they have more load and also stretch more because they are longer. Check the rig periodically, particularly after sailing in heavy air.
How do you use a backstay?
To use the backstay effectively, rig tune has to be set right. I try to set the rig so that in the lulls with my backstay off, the sails are fully powered. Thus, when the puffs hit, I can tension the backstay, keep the boat under control, and keep it at a constant heel.
What is a running backstay on a sailboat?
A running backstay is a removable stay that provides aft support to the mast from either the masthead or the point at which an inner forestay is attached. It originated as a response to the material limits of the period.
What is the purpose of a backstay tensioner?
Easy Upgrades: #1 of a seriesEvery fractionally rigged boat will have (or should have) a means of adjusting backstay tension. Its main purpose is to flatten and depower the mainsail in stronger winds, putting off the time at which a reef will be required.
Why do you need a backstay tensioner on a masthead rig?
Because very few masthead-rigged boats are provided with backstay adjusters, cruising sailors regard them with the deepest suspicion–“just another thing to go wrong.” But on a masthead rig, backstay tension determines how much tension there is in the forestay, and therefore, how well the genoa sets.
Which is better a hydraulic or mechanical backstay adjuster?
The hydraulic adjuster is faster and physically easier to use—both for applying backstay pressure and for rapidly bleeding it off—but it is the costlier option. Depending on the model, a mechanical adjuster takes a bit more time and muscle power to tension and release, but it costs less and is mechanically simpler.
What do you need to know about backstay adjusters?
Some mechanical backstay adjusters are essentially precision-machined turnbuckles that employ either a winch handle, built-in handles, or an integral wheel to adjust backstay tension. They have high-strength stainless steel and/or silicon-bronze threads or worm gears designed to be adjusted under load without compromising strength.