How much does a mini Jersey calf cost?

How much does a mini Jersey calf cost?

Miniature cows cost $1,800 to $3,500 depending on the size, markings and color. (A good standard Jersey sold as a family milk cow will cost $1,400 to $1,800.)

How much are cows worth in Missouri?

Special Dairy Sale Market Report for 09/28/2021

Holstein Springers $900-1300
Fresh Cows $700-1100
Open Heifers $300-700
Baby Heifer Calves $50-100
Baby Bull Calves $50-150

Are Jersey bull calves good for meat?

Jerseys are well known for their tender, well marbled meat. They taste great, but there just is not as much meat there as a beef steer. Angus are well known for their meat, too, but really to be SURE you would want to get a steer from a proven line of exceptional meat producers.

How much land do you need for a Jersey cow?

Generally, it’s recommended you have 2-5 acres per cow.

How often do you have to milk a Jersey cow?

While a high producing cow will need to be milked twice daily, the average Mini or Midsize can usually go to Once a Day (OAD) Milking after the first month or two. Once the calf is old enough to start taking most of the milk at each milking you can transition to OAD Milking while Calf-Sharing.

How much does a calf cost in Missouri?

Weekly price range of 600-700 lb feeder steers across the state of Missouri….Heifers.

Weight Range
200-300 $147 $102
300-400 $154 $137
400-500 $143 $160
500-600 $138 $154

How much is a bull calf worth?

Let’s walk through it step-by-step. The average value of a 550 lb bull calf from 2010 to 2017 in Kentucky auction markets was $853 (550 lb @ $155 per cwt)….The Value of Selling Steer Calves vs Bull Calves.

Value of 550 lb bull, initial price of $155 per cwt
Value of each additional lb
$10 / cwt price slide $0.94 per lb
$15 / cwt price slide $0.64 per lb

What age do you butcher a Jersey steer?

Steers on full feed (all they can eat grain with hay) will be butcher ready at 14-18 months of age. Steers on grass only will take 26-28 months to be butcher ready.

At what age do you butcher a steer?

Age at slaughter “typically” can be from 12 to 22 months of age for the high quality grade market. The reason for the range in age is that some calves are weaned and go directly to a feeding facility and are finished for slaughter.

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