How much is PA school at Touro?

How much is PA school at Touro?

Tuition & Fees

Tuition and fees for the 2021-22 academic year:
Total Program Tuition $8,670
Deposit (non-refundable, applied to first-semester tuition) $1,000
Remainder of the installment due first semester $3,590
Installment due second semester $4,080

How much does Lecom cost?

Tuition and Fees

Year 1 (1st & 2nd semesters) Year 2 (3rd & 4th semesters)
Tuition $12,495 $12,195
Technology Fee $300 $300
Graduation Fee $250
Books $908 $332

Is Touro PA school rolling admission?

Starting the 2021-2022 application cycle, you may have up to four prerequisite courses in progress and you will be required to successfully complete all prerequisite courses prior to beginning the PA program. The Touro Nevada PA program uses a rolling admission process.

How much is UC Davis PA program?

Physician Assistant degree program

2021-2022 Year – 1 (12 months) Year – 2 (12 months)
Tuition and Fees1 $64,748 $63,480
Books/Supplies $1,934 $236
Rent $11,319 $11,319
Utilities $3,280 $3,280

How long is Touro PA program?

27 months
The average length of a PA program is 27 months, so our students complete two rigorous programs and receive two master’s degrees (an MPH as well as the MSPAS) in an additional six months of training.

Is Touro PA School Competitive?

Before you apply, check our academic requirements and technical standards for becoming a physician assistant. Admission to the program is extremely competitive with the admissions department receiving approximately 2,000 applications per campus, per year for fewer than 100 spots on each campus. …

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