Is the Cybex Cloud Q discontinued?

Is the Cybex Cloud Q discontinued? Note: This car seat has been discontinued, but we are leaving it up for those who own it, or are able to purchase one second-hand. Is the Cybex Cloud Q worth it? The Cybex Cloud Q is a great car seat with lots of unique features. It will do […]

What does struggle busing mean?

What does struggle busing mean? a situation, task, etc., that seems difficult or frustrating: With no sleep last night, I’ll be on the struggle bus today. What does you bussing mean? The definition of bussing, commonly spelled as busing, is transporting a group of people in a communal vehicle. An example of bussing is when […]

How do I run an R script in terminal?

How do I run an R script in terminal? Run an R Script From the Command Line Copy C:\Program Files\R\R-3.4. Copy SayHi <- function(name) { sprintf(“Hi, %s”, name); } SayHi(“Dave”) Copy Rscript.exe c:\scripts\SayHi.r. Copy [1] “Hi, Dave” Copy Rscript -e “head(iris,4)” How do I run a script in R? To run an R command, put […]

How do I get rid of the other woman?

How do I get rid of the other woman? 9 Tried And Tested Tips To Make The Other Woman Go Away On Her Own Be honest about your feelings. Do not be his emotional vessel. Be the partner, be yourself. Mend your relationship. Confronting the other woman. Be decisive. Have patience. See the affair for […]

Can you use Kinect for head tracking?

Can you use Kinect for head tracking? Well, after much testing, I was indeed able to utilize the kinect for head tracking. Can I use my Kinect with my PC? The Kinect sensor bar works with any Windows computer that has a USB connection. Although you may not be using the Kinect sensor for playing […]

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