What is ProBoolean in 3ds Max?

What is ProBoolean in 3ds Max?

The ProBoolean compound object takes a 3ds Max mesh and adds extra intelligence to it prior to performing Boolean operations. First it combines the topologies, then it determines coplanar triangles and removes incident edges. The Booleans are then performed not on triangles but N-sided polygons.

Is GPU important for 3ds Max?

Solution: The most notable difference between CPU and GPU rendering is that CPU rendering is more accurate, but GPU is faster. 3ds Max offers several built-in render engines which take advantage of both CPU (Central Processing Unit) and GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) rendering.

Where is the slice button on 3ds Max?

The Slice button is available only when the Slice Plane button is highlighted. This tool slices the mesh just like the Slice modifier in “Operate On: Face” mode. Note: At the Face, Poly, or Element level, Slice works only on a sub-object selection. Make the selection before activating Slice Plane.

How do you set up a map in 3ds Max?

3ds Maxopens the Material/Map Browser. Choose from the list of map types, and then click OK. (If you choose Bitmap as the map type, 3ds Maxopens a file dialog that lets you choose the image file.) Use the map controls to set up the map.

What are the keyboard shortcuts for 3ds Max 2020?

The following tables provide a master reference for all default keyboard shortcuts included with Max 2020.1 and higher. Rotate -90 : Ctrl+Right : Unwrap UVW : Rotate +90 : Ctrl+Left : Unwrap UVW : Show Seams In Viewport : Visit 3ds Max forum. 3ds Max Ideas. Share and vote on ideas for future product releases.

How do you create a vertex in 3ds Max?

The first click sets the first vertex. A dashed line tracks the cursor movement until you click a second time. A new vertex is created at each point you click. Alternately, double-clicking an edge simply divides that edge at the point clicked, with invisible edges on either side.

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