What Kelvin is best for cannabis?

What Kelvin is best for cannabis?

For the vegetative stage of growth, 5000 degrees Kelvin is the most appropriate as this creates a cool light that is closest to daylight.

Are CFLs good for growing plants?

Compact fluorescent light bulbs are a good source of supplemental light for growing plants in low-light conditions or for providing extra light to increase the day length and encourage blooming.

What is the best color temperature for grow lights?

As a general recommendation, choose a full spectrum grow light with a color temperature in the blue range (5,000 – 7,000K) to promote vegetative growth and choose a color temperature in the red range (3,500 – 4,500K) to promote fruiting and flowering.

What kind of CFL bulbs do GE use?

GE energy smart CFL bulbs provide the same light as a soft white bulb while using fewer watts. Our new packaging is much more user friendly and better for the environment. You can use them in numerous places including table lamps, closet lights and standard applications. The base is a standard medium screw (E26).

What do you need to know about lumens for a CFL bulb?

You may also want to look at “lumens” to understand light output. This is another way to measure light output and is often listed on the package of your CFLs. Each plant should be covered by around 10,000 lumens per plant or even more. So if a bulb gives off 2,500 lumens, you’d need 4 or more of those bulbs per plant for optimal light coverage.

When to use Kelvin CFL bulbs for marijuana?

These CFL bulbs mimic the color temperature of the sun during Fall/Winter. With Kelvin, remember that all of the colors can be used in all of the stages of marijuana growth, but you’ll get the best results when you match the proper color with the stage of growth your marijuana plants are currently in. Jump to…

What do you look for in wattage and Kelvin?

Wattage measures the amount of power or intensity/strength of the light. Kelvin measures the color of the light. They’re completely separate measurements, as I will explain below. Wattage. Generally… more wattage = more light = faster growth = bigger yields. You may also want to look at “lumens” to understand light output.

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