What was the result of the Bilderberg Group?

What was the result of the Bilderberg Group?

By 2020, the Bilderberg Group declared there should be a New World Order . By 2000, the Bilderberg Group saw their chance to form an EU, after almost 40 years of Soviet Occupation and influence in Europe. The Council on Foreign Relations helped the European governments settle down the differences between the minority groups and nations.

Is the Bilderberg Group part of the Illuminati?

In return for their information, Daniel Estulin has agreed to keep all of the informants names confidential. Without certainty of the groups initial mission, the Bilderberg Group is currently a secretive and shadow world government. Whether or not the Bilderberg Group is associated with the Illuminati is a subject that is often discussed.

Who was Prime Minister after attending Bilderberg Meeting?

Everyone invited sees a major career boost after attending a Bilderberg meeting. Bill Clinton attended while he was the Governor of Arkansas and within a year he was President of the United States. Tony Blair became Prime Minister of the UK, four years after going to his first Bilderberg meeting. 19.

Who was the head of the CIA during the Bilderberg Meeting?

Retinger approached Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who agreed to promote the idea, together with former Belgian prime minister Paul van Zeeland, and the then head of Unilever, Paul Rijkens. Bernhard in turn contacted Walter Bedell Smith, the then head of the CIA, who asked Eisenhower adviser Charles Douglas Jackson to deal with the suggestion.

How did the Bilderbergers get their name?

This elite group is governed by an even more secretive, almost entirely anonymous, inner circle of fifteen, known as the Incunabula. The Bilderbergers got their name from the place of their first meeting in 1954, the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland.

Who was the poster boy for the Bilderberg Club?

Bernhard was a poster boy. A pretty face and a facade. In 1952, Retinger approached Bernhard with a proposal for a secret conference to involve the NATO leaders in an open and frank discussion on international affairs behind closed doors.

When does the Bilderberg Club meet in Davos?

There’s the World Economic Forum at Davos in January/February, the Bilderberg and G8 meetings in June/July, and the IMF/World Bank annual conference in September. A kind of international consensus emerges and is carried over from one meeting to the next. But no one’s really leading it.

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