Who is stronger Irelia or Riven?

Who is stronger Irelia or Riven?

In our database, Riven battled Irelia in 14060 games. Riven has done a average job of beating Irelia. On average, she wins a acceptable 50.6% of the time the champions battle each other in. In Riven vs Irelia rounds, Riven’s team is 0.0% more likely to earn first blood.

Can Irelia win against Riven?

Irelia wins against Riven 49.09% of the time which is 2.60% lower against Riven than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Irelia wins against Riven 1.95% less often than would be expected.

Does Camille counter Riven?

Camille has to counter Riven in only 4.1% of her rounds. Camille has done a average job of countering Riven. Normally, she wins a acceptable 50.8% of games the champs battle each other in. In Camille against Riven games, Camille’s side is 0.0% more probable to get first blood.

Is Irelia the hardest champ in the game?

But Irelia is much, much harder in terms of decision making. A lot of matchups you have to setup minion wave, dodge enemy skills with Q’s, land some perfect E’s. I would say she is the most unforgiving champion in the game. IMHO Irelia is in a top 3 hardest champions in the game overall.

Is riven harder than Irelia Reddit?

Riven is much more mechanically intensive due to the fact that your inputs define how you do her combos but Irelia’s combos are fairly easy to learn.

Does Irelia counter Fiora?

Unfortunately, Irelia has done a below average job of countering Fiora. Normally, she wins a acceptable 48.5% of matches the champs oppose each other in. In Irelia vs Fiora games, Irelia’s team is 0.1% less probable to gain first blood. This implies that she most likely won’t get first blood versus Fiora.

Who is harder Yasuo or Irelia?

Firstly, They both have same sort of minion wave playstyle where they excel but Irelia seems much much harder than Yasuo since Yasuo only requires positioning while Irelia requires positioning and precision as one wrong minion and you lose main damage.

Is riven harder than Fiora?

Riven is easier than Fiora or Camille to CS with because of her passive and mana-less kit, her abilities are much easier to understand and land and she has a lot of easy mobility to get out of sticky situations.

Is riven the hardest champ?

Definitely not, she’s one of the harder ones but not THE hardest. Her playstyle is pretty similair to other toplaners, there’s no funky minigame or some sort of weird mechanic (asol, taliyah). She’s a bruiser, but a lot more mobile and animation cancels.

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