How can you beat the impossible quiz?

How can you beat the impossible quiz?

It is impossible to beat the game unless you have all seven “Skips” unused on question 110 (the last question). Write down the code in question 50. A list of numbers is written on the screen on question 50. Write these numbers down, and be prepared to type them in on question 108.

What is the hardest question in the impossible quiz?

Question 110
Question 110 from the Impossible Quiz is the final question in the game, and the tenth and last one of The Epic 10 questions. It is a 10-second bomb question and features a task that may be either extremely easy or completely impossible to complete, depending on how you have played the whole quiz to this point.

How do you skip the impossible quiz?

You must simply pick the number of the question referenced by the task (it’s completely random every time). For The Impossible Quiz Book, the last questions of each chapter are unskippable, as well as the four mini-games in Chapter 2 which reveal a part of the key code required for the final question.

What is 76 on the impossible Quiz?

Question 76 from The Impossible Quiz reads “… You are my candy girl.”, with four clickable objects below, in the forms of a bag of sugar, a jar of strawberry jam, a jar of marmalade, and a smaller jar of honey.

What is the answer for 79?

Question 79 from the Impossible Quiz states that “The answer is a horseshoe”. The possible choices say “Hoof”, “A horseshoe”, “What do you mean?”, and “Horses wear shoes?!?”. It is a 10-second bomb question.

Why does cardboard taste like egg mayonnaise?

Question 29 from the Impossible Quiz says “What flavour is cardboard?”, while the possible answers say “Honey”, “Pork scratchings”, “Egg mayonnaise”, and “Talc”. The correct answer is “Egg Mayonnaise” because Splapp-Me-Do doesn’t like egg mayonnaise at all.

How do you get past level 45 on the impossible quiz?

The top left choice says “Indeed”, the top right one says “WRONG”, the bottom left option says “Why not?”, and the bottom right one says “ROFL”. The correct answer in this one, and the most sensible of the options, is of course “WRONG”, so click the top right option box to proceed.

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