Is Lissandra good 2021?

Is Lissandra good 2021?

Lissandra 11.21 Lissandra Build 11.21 ranks as an E-Tier pick for the Mid Lane role in Season 11. This champion currently has a Win Rate of 49.62% (Bad), Pick Rate of 1.54% , and a Ban Rate of 0.32% (Low).

Why isn’t Lissandra played more?

She just doesn’t have enough damage since pre-season. She needs either a better keystone or buffs.

Why is Lissandra not played Reddit?

The reason she’s not used very much or at all is because she’s received pretty consistent nerfs when she crops up in pro play. Like you said she has good team fighting and lockdown but it’s also really telegraphed as she needs to go basically melee ranged to do it.

Should I play Lissandra?

Lissandra is really good in team fights. She can easily CC high priority targets and single-handedly win a team fight due to her AoE abilities and Passive. R at level 11 will provide her with a lot of pick potential. This is really beneficial for her team.

How do you beat RYZE as Lissandra?

Best Ryze Runes to Counter Lissandra To have the highest chance of crushing Lissandra as Ryze, Ryze players should equip the Phase Rush, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Gathering Storm, Taste of Blood, and Ravenous Hunter runes from the Sorcery and Domination rune sets.

Is Lissandra worth playing?

So basically, yes, but get yourself a duo. First of all, play a character that you find FUN. Just because Lissandra is weaker than her previous iterations does NOT mean you can’t have fun with the champion. I am currently Diamond 1 and love playing her in normal games and occasionally in ranked.

How popular is Lissandra?

Lissandra has been picked only occasionally in the latest ranked League of Legends rounds. In the current meta, her popularity is 2.3%.

How do you do Lissandra combo?

Lissandra ยท Combos Reactivate E once the claw is on top of your opponent and instantly W AA followed by R. When you are being dove W then instantly E Q AA followed by using R right as the root ends. For a quick burst with ult R and instantly E towards your target, then Q followed by an AA.

What does Lissandra throw in League of Legends?

Lissandra throws a spear of ice that shatters on contact with the first enemy struck, dealing damage and slowing their movement speed for a short duration. Enemies behind the struck target also take damage. Lissandra freezes the area around her, dealing damage to nearby enemies and rooting them for a short duration.

How does Lissandra use iceborn subjugation in League of Legends?

Iceborn Subjugation will not summon a Thrall against enemy champions that enter a zombie state, and will instead summon one after they’ve left the state. Active: Lissandra hurls a spear of ice in a line in the target direction, dealing magic damage to the first enemy it hits and slowing them for 1. 5 seconds.

What does the Spear of ice do on Lissandra?

After a brief cooldown, Lissandra’s next ability costs no mana. Hitting an enemy with movement impairing abilities reduces Iceborn’s cooldown. Lissandra throws a spear of ice that shatters on contact with the first enemy struck, dealing damage and slowing their movement speed for a short duration. Enemies behind the struck target also take damage.

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