What are the callbacks for Ajax in prototype?

What are the callbacks for Ajax in prototype?

As you can see under the “Ajax options” heading of the Ajax, Prototype’s AJAX objects define a whole slew of callbacks, which are triggered in the following order: onCreate(this is actually a callback reserved to Ajax.Responders) onUninitialized(maps on Created) onLoading(maps on Initialized) onLoaded(maps on Request sent)

What is the status of Ajax.Request # successmethod?

The Ajax.Request#successmethod examines the XHR object’s statusproperty and follows general HTTP guidelines: unknown status is deemed

What does the 0 mean in Ajax response?

The request’s current state. 0 corresponds to “Uninitialized”, 1 to “Loading”, 2 to “Loaded”, 3 to “Interactive” and 4 to “Complete”. The text body of the response. The XML body of the response if the content-type of the request is set to application/xml. null otherwise.

What do you need to know about Ajax.Request?

Description. Initiates and processes an Ajax request. Ajax.Request is a general-purpose class for making HTTP requests which handles the life-cycle of the request, handles the boilerplate, and lets you plug in callback functions for your custom needs. In the optional options hash, you usually provide an onComplete and/or onSuccess callback,…

What can you do with Prototype Javascript Framework?

Prototype enables you to deal with Ajax calls in a very easy and fun way that is also safe (cross-browser). Besides simple requests, this module also deals in a smart way with JavaScript code returned from a server and provides helper classes for polling. Ajax functionality is contained in the global Ajax object.

Which is the first argument in ajax.response?

This AJAX Ajax.Response is the object passed as the first argument of all Ajax requests callbacks. This is a wrapper around the native xmlHttpRequest object. It normalizes cross-browser issues while adding support for JSON via the responseJSON and headerJSON properties.

What are the properties of ajax.response object?

This AJAX Ajax.Response is the object passed as the first argument of all Ajax requests callbacks. This is a wrapper around the native xmlHttpRequest object. It normalizes cross-browser issues while adding support for JSON via the responseJSON and headerJSON properties. Properties of the Ajax.Response Object

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