What diseases do crabapple trees get?

What diseases do crabapple trees get?

There are a number of diseases that commonly occur on crabapples in home plantings. Scab, cedar-apple rust, and cedar-hawthorn rust are diseases that are usually encountered every year, whereas fire blight is an occasional problem. Many factors contribute to both the occurrence and severity of these diseases.

What does a diseased crabapple tree look like?

You may notice small green or yellow spots on the foliage first, but these spots enlarge and darken into a rust-like color very quickly. The lesions may also develop under the leaves and on the fruit. Most crabapple trees infected by cedar apple rust will produce malformed fruit.

How do you treat a diseased crabapple tree?

Prevention & Treatment: Prune out branches or infected twigs early in the season. If disease is severe enough to warrant chemical control, choose one of the following fungicides for use on apple trees and crabapple trees: thiophanate-methyl, myclobutanil, a copper fungicide or sulfur.

How do you save a dying crabapple tree?

Steps To Revive Your Dying Crabapple Tree

  1. Identify and treat the health issue immediately. If you have trouble identifying the issue with your crabapple tree, you can always contact an arborist.
  2. Prune dead branches, leaves, and fruit.
  3. Add fertilizer is needed.
  4. Re-mulch if needed.

When do you spray fungicide on Crabapple?

For ornamental crabapple trees, fungicide sprays must be timed to protect new leaves as they emerge in spring.

  1. Sprays should start when the first green leaf tips appear in the spring.
  2. This growth stage is known as “½” green tip”.
  3. Repeat sprays until the majority of the flower petals have fallen off the tree.

Is my crabapple tree dying?

Crabapple trees (Malus spp.) Yellowing and falling foliage, die-back of branches and flaking and removal of bark are symptoms of trees that are on the decline. Reduced flowering or strangely-timed leaf-out or blooming can also mark a final effort by a dying tree to produce seeds.

How do you treat crab scabs?


  1. Choose scab-resistant varieties of apple or crabapple trees.
  2. Rake up and discard any fallen leaves or fruit on a regular basis, and never leave fallen leaves or fruit on the ground over winter.
  3. Prune your apple and crabapple trees to keep their crowns open so light and air can move through.

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