Which is the most low-maintenance dog?

Which is the most low-maintenance dog?

Best Low-Maintenance Dog Breeds

  • Basset Hound. You’ll recognize a Basset Hound when you see one, those ears stand out.
  • Boston Terrier. Boston Terriers are friendly, happy dogs that make great city pets.
  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. The eyes of the Cavalier say it all.
  • Chihuahua.
  • Dachshund.
  • French Bulldog.
  • Havanese.
  • Maltese.

What is the cheapest low-maintenance dog?

Cheap Dogs: Top 10 Budget-Friendly Pooches

  1. Greyhound. These super-sleek dogs are low on grooming needs, according to the National Greyhound Adoption Program (NGAP).
  2. Bull Terriers.
  3. Weimaraner.
  4. Collie.
  5. Beagle.
  6. Chihuahua.
  7. Dachshund.
  8. Bichon Frise.

What is the best dog for beginners?

Labrador Retrievers make for a great first-time beginner dog. The playful nature of the Labrador Retriever combined with their lack of aggression and high energy playfulness makes this breed one of the best around children, in fact, Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in America.

Which dog is the easiest to take care of?


  • Greyhound
  • French Bulldog
  • Chihuahua
  • Cavalier King CharlesSpaniel
  • West Highland White Terrier
  • Mastiff
  • Bull Mastiff
  • Bichon Frise
  • Maltese
  • What is the worst dog to own?

    American Pitbulls. The most well-known bully breed around, American Pitbulls are the epitome of dogs with a bad rep. These dogs are regularly cited as the worst of the worst dog breeds for families to own, and have even been banned in several countries.

    What are some easy dog breeds to housebreak?

    Australian shepherd. Cuteness points to the Australian shepherd as a dog breed that usually proves easy to housebreak.

  • Bichon Frise. Cuteness characterizes the Bichon Frise as one of the dog breeds that typically proves the easiest to housebreak.
  • Border collie.
  • Boston terrier.
  • Brittany.
  • Doberman pinscher.
  • German shepherd.
  • Kai Ken.
  • Labrador retriever.
  • Maltese.
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