How do I get rid of underline tag in CSS?

How do I get rid of underline tag in CSS?

The underline can be easily remove by using text-decoration property. The text-decoration property of CSS allows to decorate the text according to requirement. By setting the text-decoration to none to remove the underline from anchor tag.

How do I get rid of underline?

Right-click on the underlined text you selected. Choose “Font” from the pop-up menu to reveal the Font screen. In the Underline Style box, select “(none).” Then click “OK” to remove the underlining.

How do you make a link not underlined in CSS?

CSS: How to make links not underlined..

  1. Open Window –> CSS Styles (shift F11)
  2. Select New Style (The page with a plus symbol icon at the bottom of the panel)
  3. Next in type select “Use Css Selector.”
  4. Then Define in this Document Only.
  5. Go back to the top and select a:link and press ok.

How do I turn off the underline on a link?

To remove the underline from all hyperlinks on a page, follow these steps:

  1. Open the page that you want to modify.
  2. Click the Codetab.
  3. Put the following HTML code before the tag: A {text-decoration: none;}
  4. Click the Designtab. Your hyperlinks no longer contain underlines.

How do I remove bullets from UL?

It is possible to remove bullets from ul lists by setting the CSS list-style-type property to none . As a result, the bullets disappear from the list. Note: to get rid of the automatic indentation, you can also set margin and padding to 0.

How do I get rid of unwanted underline in Word?

To remove single underlining from words and spaces, select the underlined text and press Ctrl+U. To remove other styles of underlining, press Ctrl+U twice.

How do I remove bullet points in CSS?

What is the CSS code to remove an underline from all hyperlinks?

CSS property text-decoration
To remove underline from a link in HTML, use the CSS property text-decoration. Use it with the style attribute. The style attribute specifies an inline style for an element. Use the style attribute with the CSS property text-decoration to remove underline from a link in HTML.

How do I get rid of bullets in CSS?

How do you remove bullets from a list?

Removing Bullets or Numbers

  1. Select the paragraph(s) containing the bullets or numbers you want to remove.
  2. On the Home tab, click Bullets.
  3. To remove bullets, on the Bullets tab, select None.
  4. Click OK.

How can I remove the underline on a link in CSS?

By default, all links in HTML are decorated with an underline. We can remove this underline using CSS text-decoration property. The following examples illustrate CSS text-decoration property.

When does the underline appear on a link in Bootstrap?

By default in Bootstrap, links only show the underline when they are in hover or active state. Meaning, as a visitor hovers over or clicks on a link, it will show the underline. Otherwise, the underline will not show in links, even if they’ve been visited.

When do you see the underline on a link?

Let’s briefly discuss the process for Bootstrap sites. By default in Bootstrap, links only show the underline when they are in hover or active state. Meaning, as a visitor hovers over or clicks on a link, it will show the underline. Otherwise, the underline will not show in links, even if they’ve been visited.

Can a hyperlink be displayed as a non-underlined text?

By default, HTML hyperlinks are underlined. However, if you wish to deactivate this feature and display your hyperlinks as non-underlined text, you can do so using the CSS. Display Non-Underlined Links Using CSS.

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