Is Gandalf older than Sauron?

Is Gandalf older than Sauron?

‘ The only LotR characters who are about the same age as Gandalf are Sauron, Morgoth, and Eru Ilúvatar. In The Silmarillion, all the Ainur are roughly the same age as Gandalf. In a very real way, Gandalf is older than time itself. This is impressive, but not really unique in Tolkien’s world.

Who would win Balrog vs Smaug?

So, one glimpse into Smaug’s eyes and the Balrog falls under the spell. Even if it’s just for a second—a moment of hesitation or distraction, it’d be enough. Smaug would snatch up Durin’s Bane and gobble him up with his sword-sharp teeth (and we know swords can kill Balrogs). There you have it.

Was the Balrog stronger than Gandalf?

The Balrog of Moria is a lot more powerful than Gandalf the Grey, who needs to use a ring of power to defeat the monster. He is also weaker than Saruman, another Maia. The Valar are simply the kings, and the Maiar, their people. They are as varied as any race, even human race.

Who is the Balrog Gandalf fights?

The Balrog is quite simply the fire giant Surtr. Both are creatures of the underworld and the dark, and at the same time fire monsters. They both carry fiery weapons – a fiery whip and a flaming sword respectively. Both will fight powerful people – Surtr, the gods and the Balrog, Gandalf the Grey.

Who is stronger, Gandalf or Saruman?

Gandalf is overall more powerful as Gandalf the White. He is far more charismatic and has some limited foresight. He was able to defeat Saruman, breaking Saruman’s power over Theoden and breaking his staff after the Ents took Isenguard.

Was Saruman stronger than Sauron?

We know that Sauron even weakened and without the ring, was stronger than Saruman. “… Saruman the White, fell from his high errand he was ensnared by that dark spirit [Sauron], mightier than he.” This is referring specifically to Sauron’s spirit, not his full might (armies, Nazgul, etc). So in single combat, Saruman proved the weaker.

Why is Galadriel so powerful?

Galadriel is therefore more powerful because she can use all her power at will with no restraint. Also The fact she uses her powers to ward the entire land of Lothlorien and is still capable of using impressive magic like long distance telepathic communication shows her to be far greater than Gandalf in middle earth.

Does Gandalf have a ring of power?

In Lord of the Rings, Gandalf is wearing a ring of power.

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