Who did Scout Jem and Dill sit with in Chapter 16?

Who did Scout Jem and Dill sit with in Chapter 16?

Up in the balcony, four people move so that Scout, Jem, Dill, and the Reverend can have front-row seats. Scout surveys the scene below her: the jury, made up of farmers (since the townspeople usually got out of jury duty), the lawyers, and the witnesses.

What is a good summary for To Kill a Mockingbird?

Many residents of Maycomb are racists and during the novel Atticus is asked to defend Tom Robinson, a black man wrongly accused of raping a white woman. Atticus takes on the case even though everyone knows he has little hope of winning.

What is the theme of Chapter 16 in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Plot Summary In this chapter we explore the theme of how even the most kindest of people can have their own prejudices. We see this in the case of Mr. Cunningham who Jem and Scout know Atticus takes liking to.

Who takes the stand in Chapter 16?

Mayella is the next to take the stand, and as Atticus questions her, he begins to poke holes in her testimony as well. Finally he asks Tom Robinson to stand up so Mayella can identify him, and everyone sees that his left arm is fully 12 inches shorter than his right and is therefore crippled and unusable.

What did Atticus do in Chapter 16?

Analysis: Chapters 16–17 In the trial conducted in the courtroom, Atticus loses. All three lack the racism that the crowd of white faces in the courtroom propagates. Jem, Scout, and Dill are segregated even from the other children, who have taunted Jem and Scout for loving Black people.

Is Boo Radley a prisoner or refugee?

Boo has lived as a prisoner in his own home after getting into trouble as a teen; when he was in his thirties he stabbed his father in the leg with a pair of scissors. He has become a figure of local gossip and speculation, and the children are terrified and fascinated by his seemingly monstrous, ghostly nature.

Is Scout Finch a girl?

The protagonist is Jean Louise (“Scout”) Finch, an intelligent though unconventional girl who ages from six to nine years old during the course of the novel. She is raised with her brother, Jeremy Atticus (“Jem”), by their widowed father, Atticus Finch.

What happens in chapter 16 of Summer of the Mariposas?

Sample student response: In Chapter 16 of Summer of the Mariposas, the five girls return to the border of the United States and Mexico with their grandmother, Abuelita Remedios, to reunite with their mother.

What lesson does Scout learn in Chapter 16?

“Mr. Cunningham’s basically a good man,” he said, “he just has his blind spots along with the rest of us.” In this way, Scout learns that people’s prejudice is at times stronger than their friendship. Second, the children learn that people would rather be entertained than to see justice done in a law case.

What is the mood of Chapter 16 TKAM?

Dill is happy and excited because there are rumors going around about what happened the night before and they made the three of them look likes heroes. Scout and Jem now dislike the Cunninghams and Scout wants to beat up Walter but Atticus tells the kids to forget about it and don’t hold a grudge.

What happens in Chapter 16 of to kill a Mockingbird?

Summary: Chapter 16. The trial begins the next day. People from all over the county flood the town. Everyone makes an appearance in the courtroom, from Miss Stephanie Crawford to Mr. Dolphus Raymond, a wealthy eccentric who owns land on a river bank, lives near the county line, is involved with a black woman, and has mulatto children.

Which is the most important part of to kill a Mockingbird?

Analysis: Chapters 16–17. The trial is the most gripping, and in some ways the most important, dramatic sequence in To Kill a Mockingbird; the testimony and deliberations cover about five chapters with almost no digression.

Who are the characters in to kill a Mockingbird?

To Kill a Mockingbird. 1 2. The trial begins the next day. People from all over the county flood the town. Everyone makes an appearance in the courtroom, from Miss Stephanie Crawford to Mr. Dolphus Raymond, a wealthy eccentric who owns land on a river bank, lives near the county line, is involved with a black woman, and has mulatto children.

What happens at the Finch home in to kill a Mockingbird?

After a run-in the night before at the county jail between Atticus and a mob looking to kill Tom Robinson, the Finch home is filled with tension. Aunt Alexandra is particularly upset that Jem and Scout snuck out. Atticus, on the other hand, is grateful they showed up when they did.

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