Is Affliction Warlock good for leveling?

Is Affliction Warlock good for leveling?

For a total beginner to the class, although each specialization has strengths and weaknesses, we recommend Affliction as the best Warlock leveling spec. Affliction is able to damage multiple mobs at a time thanks to its potent dots and Malefic Rapture and has the easiest time healing themselves with Drain Life.

How do you rotate affliction Warlock?


  1. Apply and maintain Agony.
  2. Apply and maintain Corruption.
  3. Apply and maintain Unstable Affliction.
  4. Apply and maintain Siphon Life, if talented.
  5. Apply and maintain Scouring Tithe.
  6. Apply and maintain Shadow Embrace.
  7. Cast Haunt on cooldown, if talented.
  8. Cast Vile Taint on cooldown, if talented.

Which Warlock pet is best for leveling?

Summon Succubus
Summon Succubus is the best leveling pet for Warlocks, as it deals the highest amount of damage and has a large mana pool that can be abused with Dark Pact. With Lesser Invisibility coupled with Seduction, the Succubus can also be a nasty surprise against attackers in World PvP who might think you’re alone.

What’s better mage or Warlock?

Mage is the perfect pick for you if you’re looking for a main character that gives you great burst potential. Polymorph is the biggest advantage a mage has over warlock. Another plus is that with mage you have more AOE attacks. As far as raids are concerned mage can perform relatively better than warlock.

What Warlock spec is best for leveling TBC?

Warlocks have three basic specs: Affliction, Demonology, and Destruction. Affliction and Demonology are both solid choices for leveling both through Classic and Burning Crusade Classic content. Destruction is a great end-game build, or for a Warlock who plans to level up primarily through dungeon content.

What race is best for Affliction Warlock?

Affliction Warlock PvP Best Races and Racials (Shadowlands / 9.1)

  • Human is the best Alliance race for Affliction Warlocks in PvP.
  • Orcs are the best Horde race for Affliction Warlocks in PvP by a mile.
  • Trolls are the second best choice for Horde Affliction Warlocks in PvP.

What race is best for warlock?

How do you level up an affliction Warlock?

1. Gear Options 2. Level by Level Rotation and Talents 3. Pet Choice for Affliction Warlock Leveling 4. Congratulations! 1. When leveling up, you should always choose the piece of loot with the highest item level. If the item levels are equal, you should choose the piece with stats that are most favorable to your specialization.

How does the Warlock rotation work in Shadowlands?

The Affliction Warlock rotation in Shadowlands is largely unchanged, compared to BfA’s. Instead of playing around drain cycles, you play around your talent choices. Since Contagion is baked into Unstable Affliction now, you’ll still want to try and optimize uptime in most situations, however, this changes based on talents.

What kind of playstyle does an affliction Warlock have?

Playstyle for Affliction Warlock. Affliction Warlocks aim to apply a series of damage over time effects to targets, weaving in empowerments and buffing them up where possible. Much of the optimization revolves around maintaining your active effects while ensuring you spend Soul Shards correctly.

When to use malefic Rapture on affliction Warlock?

Single Target Priority for Affliction Warlock Maintain your Agony, Unstable Affliction and Corruption effects at all times. Apply Malefic Rapture if you are at maximum Soul Shards. Cast Malefic Rapture to avoid capping shards.

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