How do I repair the silver shroud quest bug?

How do I repair the silver shroud quest bug?

After you’ve killed AJ, the objective of the quest is to listen to the radio, but the radio will only broadcast regular episodes, and the quest will not progress. You can fix this by locating and killing Kendra by yourself. The wiki page also mentions this bug.

How do you beat the silver shroud mission?

If you are wearing the Shroud costume, you’ll have the Threaten as Shroud option, which will cause Sinjin’s men to be scared and not attack you. If Kent is alive, talk to him. Return to Goodneighbor and talk to Hancock. This will complete the quest.

How do I meet Hancock as the shroud?

Leave the calling card on her and head back to Goodneighbor. Upon returning to Goodneighbor, the radio station will broadcast that John Hancock wants to meet with the Silver Shroud. Go to the meeting and he will task the Shroud with taking down Northy and Smiling Kate.

Where is Kent after silver shroud?

Sometimes Kent gets stuck in the Milton General Hospital after finishing the quest The Silver Shroud. This may be fixed using console command 228ac. moveto 228a6 to move him to Irma in Goodneighbor. Alternatively, push him to the first elevator and he’ll then make his way back to Goodneighbor.

Is killing Shelly Tiller bad?

There’s no reason to kill her besides the caps- her inventory is pretty bleak, with just an undershirt and jeans, pipe pistol, and .

How do you speak to the shroud?

There is an NPC who runs around the world pretending to be Manta Man, if you run into him while in your Shroud costume you can do the ‘Talk as Shroud’ option with him.

Can Kent Connolly Be Saved?

With any luck, Sinjin will target you, leaving Kent cowering on the floor as you clear the room of threats. And that’s all there is to saving Kent Connolly and becoming the true Silver Shroud that Fallout 4’s wasteland needs.

What do you get for assassinating Shelly Tiller?

If the Sole Survivor chooses to kill Shelly (as the optional objective of The Silver Shroud), they will be directed to a dead drop just outside of Goodneighbor to collect a payment of 500 caps.

Where is northy?

Northy is one of the targets for the Silver Shroud side quest. He can be found just south of Wattz Consumer Electronics.

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