What PYP means?

What PYP means?

Primary Years Programme
Primary Years Programme (PYP) – International Baccalaureate®

What is enhanced PYP?

Multiple elements of the enhanced PYP work together. to bring transdisciplinary learning and teaching to life, emphasizing the close relationship between disciplinary and. transdisciplinary learning. Learning is not confined within the boundaries of traditional subjects, but is supported and.

How many concepts are there in PYP?

eight key concepts
The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP) is driven by eight key concepts which give the inquiries direction and meaning.

Why are there key concepts in PYP?

A form of learning grounded in concepts can help promote proper understanding and meaning, while also helping students tackle challenging topics and ideas. Concept-based learning is also key for encouraging an interdisciplinary approach, whereby links are made between different subjects and content.

How does IB PYP work?

The PYP curriculum framework begins with the premise that students are agents of their own learning and partners in the learning process. It prioritizes people and their relationships to build a strong learning community. PYP students use their initiative to take responsibility and ownership of their learning.

How is IB PYP different?

IB PYP curriculum is an inquiry-based programme that is designed to trigger independent learning in students through an inquiry-based approach. For eg: Unlike a traditional classroom, PYP students do not sit facing the blackboard or the teacher, but they sit in circles facing each other.

What are the PYP principles?

The philosophy of the PYP is to make the students into “inquirers, thinkers, communicators, risk takers, knowledgeable, principled, caring, open-minded, well-balanced, and reflective.”

What are the elements of the PYP programme?

Then there are five essential elements of the PYP programme which include knowledge, concepts, skills, attitudes and action. This frames the programme of inquiry (POI) for the school. This POI defines a set of units of inquiry for all levels from K1 (3-4 year olds) to Year 7 (11-12 year olds).

What are the components of the IB / PYP curriculum?

There are five key components to the IB/PYP curriculum: Attributes, Knowledge, Key Concepts, Skills, and Action. Attributes There are ten Learner Profile Attributes we want students to value and exhibit. They are interwoven throughout every aspect of the curriculum.

What does taking action mean in the PYP?

Taking action is one of the five essential elements of the PYP and an intricate part of the inquiry cycle which could be interpreted as a “conclusion” to learning. When taking action, students make connections to new knowledge they have acquired and apply their skills in everyday life.

What does the PYP say about the role of teachers?

‘In the PYP it is believed that not only is it possible for students to identify appropriate action, but also that teachers have a responsibility to enable them to choose their action carefully, to facilitate this action, and to encourage them to reflect on the action they undertake.’ ~ Making the PYP happen ( 2009) p. 26.

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