How do you tell a girl she looks good?

How do you tell a girl she looks good?

Use different words depending on how close you are If you’re not very close with the person, I would suggest using more “innocent” words like good, cute etc. “You look really good with that new hair!” If you’re close, then you can feel more comfortable using words like gorgeous, beautiful, etc.

Should you tell a girl she looks great?

Telling a woman she’s beautiful will usually be well-received, but it can be such a generic compliment that it occasionally comes across as a bit disingenuous. Complimenting a woman on her skin, hair or nails, especially if they are particularly clear, glossy and strong respectively, can be a good move, too.

What to say to a girl to tell her she’s beautiful?

You could text her:

  • “It’s so cool the way you dye your hair all those cool colors. You’re cute to begin with, but those hairstyles are *chef’s kiss*.”
  • “I love the sound of your voice. I could just listen to you talk for hours.”
  • “Your eyes are so mysterious and beautiful. They make me smile every time!”

How do you compliment someone’s looks?

Complimenting Appearance

  1. You are glowing —and that’s the least interesting thing about you, too.
  2. You look great today.
  3. Your eyes are breathtaking.
  4. How is it that you always look so great, even if you’re in ratty pajamas?
  5. That color is perfect on you.
  6. You smell really good.

How do you subtly compliment a girl?

  1. Be Unique. The best compliments feel tailor-made.
  2. Be Sincere. This might seem like a no-brainer, but don’t compliment her unless you really mean everything that you’re saying.
  3. Don’t Just Compliment Physical Appearance.
  4. Don’t Be Too Literal.
  5. Beware of Backhanded Compliments.
  6. Context is Key.
  7. Catcalls are NOT Compliments.

How do you compliment a good picture?

How do you comment cute?

  1. Your true colors are beautiful.
  2. You’ve got a beautiful heart.
  3. Inside out; you are beautiful.
  4. You take my breath away.
  5. I love how expressive your eyes are.
  6. Your beauty is one of the things I like about you.
  7. Honestly, you are beautiful.
  8. You’re helping us sound lovely.

How can I praise a girl in her photo?

How to Compliment a Girl’s Picture

  1. Say there’s something special about her.
  2. Compare her to something beautiful.
  3. Mention something that reminded you of her.
  4. Tell her you’ve been thinking about her picture all day.
  5. Tell her how much you love her smile.
  6. Talk about her eyes.
  7. Praise how healthy her skin looks.

How do you say nice photo?

The following are some of the starter sentences to compliment a photo:

  1. This/It is a nice photo…
  2. This/It is fabulous…
  3. This/It is a great photo…
  4. This/It is an awesome photo…
  5. This/It is an incredible photo…

What’s the best way to tell a girl she’s beautiful?

Telling a girl she’s beautiful can require some amount of finesse. Simply blurting out, “You’re beautiful” can certainly have its charm, but it can also suggest that the person in question is focused entirely on looks and fails to capture any of the essences of a person.

How to tell a girl she is beautiful without being creepy?

Telling a girl or a woman who you meet daily, such as a coworker, classmate or hobby mate, that she is beautiful should be a little bit different. To have the best effect and to have her really appreciate you telling her she looks good, point out some specific change in her. Here are a couple of examples: “Hey, you look really pretty today.

What makes a girl the most beautiful girl?

You’re head over heels in love with her simplicity, sense of humor, and unique mindset that make her the most beautiful girl you’ve ever met. When you’re running out of words to express how much she means to you and how beautiful she is, this is all you need to say to let her know that.

What should I say to a girl I just met?

To do it right, instead of walking up to a girl you just met and saying to her “You’re cute” or “You are beautiful,” be more specific. Tell her something specific you notice about her and genuinely like.

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