What was FOXDIE?

What was FOXDIE?

FOXDIE was an engineered retrovirus developed by the DIA for the Pentagon. It was programmed to kill specific people by recognizing a person’s DNA, causing cardiac arrest.

What did Drebin inject Snake with?

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Drebin also provided Snake with an injection of nanomachines so that he could operate any weapons he might purchase from him, though he secretly infected him with a new strain of FOXDIE, which was programmed to kill former Patriot members Big Mama, Liquid Ocelot, and Big Boss.

Why did Solid Snake age so fast?

After the Big Shell Incident, Snake’s Werner syndrome-like symptoms gradually grew worse. His body began to age rapidly, with no doctors being able to diagnose the cause.

How did Solid Snake lose his eye?

During the Big Shell Incident in 2009, one of the Les Enfants Terribles children, Solidus Snake, lost his left eye as a result of fighting Solid Snake and Raiden. Solid Snake wore the Solid Eye, a device similar in appearance to an eyepatch, on his left eye, in order to aid in his mission to stop Liquid Ocelot in 2014.

Did Drebin save snake?

Drebin 893 (or simply Drebin) was one of the many members of a group called “Drebin,” a huge network of underground gun launderers who replaced ID chips in guns so they could be used by anyone. This Drebin helped out Solid Snake and Hal Emmerich in their mission to take down Liquid Ocelot.

Who does Drebin work for?

In the ending cinema of the game, it is discovered that Drebin, like Meryl’s Rat Patrol, was under the command of the Patriots. The Patriots had enlisted Drebin to aid Snake in his mission, but only because they thought that he would assassinate Liquid Snake, hence ending their problems.

Is Big Boss a villain?

Big Boss in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. He is the main antagonist of the original Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake and later the protagonist of the prequels, from Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater to Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes.

Why is d dog missing an eye?

As a puppy, DD lost his right eye and was presumably an orphan. The puppy was found alone by Venom Snake during a mission in 1984. Ocelot explained that the puppy had been a troublemaker after it had arrived, and that he was unsure of its specific breed.

Who are the Fox in Metal Gear Solid?

―FOX Unit soldier B description in Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus “A member of FOX, a CIA Special Forces unit. The brainchild of Major Zero, FOX is a next-generation unit combining combat abilities with spying prowess. They have rebelled and taken control over the San Hieronymo Peninsula.

What is the name of the virus in Metal Gear Solid?

The original FOXDIE virus appears in Metal Gear Solid. In the English version, the name of the virus is rendered as “FoxDie.”. Subsequent games and sources, excluding Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, render the whole name in capital letters.

What happens to the FOXDIE in Solid Snake?

The biological FOXDIE that was still in Solid Snake began to mutate when his body started to age at an accelerated rate. This new FOXDIE would eventually lose its ability to kill based on specific DNA sequences and would begin to kill people at random, possibly becoming a worldwide pandemic.

When did FOXDIE appear in the Tanker incident?

FOXDIE was briefly referenced by Snake during the Tanker Incident in 2007, when he stated that he wouldn’t have to worry about being given any “unwanted gifts” while operating as part of Philanthropy. In 2009, a digital version of FOXDIE was uploaded into the GW AI of Arsenal Gear.

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