How can you tell if someone has restricted you on Facebook?

How can you tell if someone has restricted you on Facebook?

How can I tell if a friend has restricted me from seeing their posts? The only way you can tell for sure is to ask someone else if they can see any posts from that person. If they can see posts that you can’t, then you’ll know that person has blocked you from seeing their posts.

Can you see other people’s friends on Facebook?

Use the Friend Finder Step 1: Login to Facebook and search for the ‘Friend Finder Page’. Step 2: As you keep scrolling the page, you will come across the mutual friends section. Step 3: Now, find the name of the individual whose friend list you want to see. You can see the person you both mutually know.

What happens when you restrict a friend on Facebook?

When you add someone to your Restricted list, you’ll still be friends with them on Facebook, but they’ll only be able to see your public information (example: your posts and profile info you choose to make public) and posts you tag them in.

Can restricted friends see past posts?

Can restricted friends see past posts? A restricted friend will see your past posts if their audience was set to Public but if they were set to Friends, they won’t be able to see them again. In order to hide your past posts from restricted friends, you need to limit past posts to Friends audience group.

What can Restricted friends see?

Restricted. People on the restricted list can see your public posts only. That means you can start to manage Friends on Facebook with greater subtlety, without getting quite so confused about all the other privacy settings and how they affect any other lists you create. Restricted always means public posts only.

What is Facebook unnamed list?

4. You now have a (unnamed) List with exactly one person on it. To add more people, select “Friends” and add additional people to the List. Then click Next. Here you’ll enter a List name (e.g., “Work Friends”), decide the visibility of that List (Public, Friends, or Only You), and create the List (by clicking Done).

Can restricted friends see your story?

If you have put restrictions on someone, then they will not be able to see your story. Note: If you make any changes to your story privacy settings, it will apply to any photos and videos currently in your story along with ones you keep adding. You can make changes to these settings anytime.

Can a restricted person post on my wall?

On the left, choose Timeline and Tagging, then you’ll see an option labeled “Who can post on your timeline?” If you change this setting to “Only Me,” no one will be able to write on your wall unless you toggle it back to “Friends.”

Can a restricted friend see my comments?

If you put someone to restriction list, this user doesn’t see your comments on your wall. That’s one of the expected behaviors. But if you comment an entry in a page or write into the wall of a friend, this user still sees these entries.

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