What does Gesamtkunstwerk mean in music?

What does Gesamtkunstwerk mean in music?

: an art work produced by a synthesis of various art forms (such as music and drama)

What was Wagner’s concept of Gesamtkunstwerk?

Wagner’s conception of Gesamtkunstwerk (“total art work”) encouraged artists to refine upon their emotional responses and to exteriorize their hidden dream states, often in a shadowy, incomplete form; hence the more tenuous nature of the work of Wagner’s French disciples.

What does the philosophy Gesamtkunstwerk mean?

total work of art
Gesamtkunstwerk, meaning literally ‘total work of art’, was originally intended to mean that all types of art, including painting, music, architecture, literature or performances could be collated into one interrelated subject, project and study, so that an overarching design schema would cover all elements of a …

What composer used the term Gesamtkunstwerk to mean that individual art forms needed to combine with each other to make the music of the future?

The film has truly become a prime example of the aesthetic ideal championed by Richard Wagner, “Gesamtkunstwerk” or total, universal art. Wagner first used this term in an 1849 essay entitled “The Artwork of the Future.” He believed that “Art” (with a capital A) was originally one thing.

What is Gesamtkunstwerk quizlet?

Gesamtkunstwerk. (German for “total art work”) an art form that involves music, poetry, drama, and scenic design; often used in reference to Richard Wagner’s music dramas.

Where did the term Gesamtkunstwerk originate?

Gesamtkunstwerk is a German word that translates to an “Ideal work of art” and has its etymology in the essay of a German writer and philosopher K.F.E. Trahndorf in 1827. The term was again found in the two essay works of another German Richard Wagner in 1849. Wagner was an opera composer.

What is the origin of the word Gesamtkunstwerk?

From German Gesamtkunstwerk (“total artwork”), synthesis of the arts; used by the composer Richard Wagner.

What elements of a music drama are incorporated into a Gesamtkunstwerk?

noun German. total art work; an artistic creation, as the music dramas of Richard Wagner, that synthesizes the elements of music, drama, spectacle, dance, etc.

Who was the model for the Gesamtkunstwerk?

Wagner is cited as a model (or the model) for film-music composers and performers to follow, and concepts such as the Gesamtkunstwerk, unendliche Melodie, and the Leitmotiv circulate widely, frequently detached from Wagner’s name and from his own theoretical treatment of them.

Who was the first composer to use the term Gesamtkunstwerk?

The German opera composer Richard Wagner used the term in two 1849 essays, and the word has become particularly associated with his aesthetic ideals. It is unclear whether Wagner knew of Trahndorff’s essay. In the 20th century, some writers applied the term to some forms of architecture, while others applied it to film and mass media.

What did Wagner do with Music and Drama?

The total integration of music and drama was Wagner’s artistic credo, and it revolutionised opera.

Where did the split between the arts occur?

According to Wagner, the ‘Zersplitterung der Kűste’ ( the Split between the Arts) had occurred in Greek antiquity, with word, music and dance originally existing in perfect harmony. Initially, in the perfect Greek state, Greek tragedy embodied this harmony, but with the fall of the ‘Athenian Polis’, the arts started to diverge.

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