What does Misere ouverte mean?

What does Misere ouverte mean?

noun. (in solo whist) a bid by which a player undertakes to win no tricks, playing with all their cards exposed on the table.

What does Lay Down Misere mean?

An open or lay down misère, or misère ouvert is a 500 bid where the player is so sure of losing every trick that they undertake to do so with their cards placed face-up on the table. Consequently, ‘lay down misère’ is Australian gambling slang for a predicted easy victory.

How do you play Misere?

Misere and Open Misere are always played alone against the other four players. The winning and losing conditions are as in the three and four player games. If two players simultaneously reach 500 or more by winning a contract they both win. Similarly, two players could lose at the same time.

What are the bids in Solo?

The bids, from lowest to highest, are: Proposition and acceptance or “prop and cop”. Two players form an alliance to try and win eight tricks. To initiate, a player bids “prop”.

When can you call Misere?

It can only be bid after someone has bid 7. An Open Misere is a bid higher than the 10 of diamonds and lower than the 10 of hearts. One does not need to wait for any particular level of bid, it can even be the first bid.

What does Mesere mean?

French, literally, poverty, misery, from Middle French misere.

When can you call misère?

What is lay down Mazaire?

It means that something is a certainty to happen, and is common in Australia/New Zealand slang. e.g. “This election is a lay-down mesire for the Groovy Party”. Its origins are in the card game 500. In normal play the idea is to win a number of tricks bid (or more).

What cards do you get rid of in 500?

Of the many variants to 500, the standard deck contains 43 playing cards: a joker is included (sometimes two, in which case the black joker beats the red one), and the 2s, 3s, and two 4s are removed.

Can you play whist with 3 players?

Three-Handed Whist, also known as Widow Whist, is a variant of the trick-taking game Whist. “Widow” whist is named because of an extra hand that is dealt just to the left of the dealer. This extra hand is called the “widow” and players may have a chance to use the widow instead of their own hand.

What is the meaning of miseries in English?

1 : a state of suffering and want that is the result of poverty or affliction War brought misery to thousands of refugees. 2 : a circumstance, thing, or place that causes suffering or discomfort the joys and miseries of life. 3 : a state of great unhappiness and emotional distress My former boss made my life a misery.

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