How much is a bulging disc worth in a car accident?

How much is a bulging disc worth in a car accident?

The average settlement value for a bulging disc in a personal injury lawsuit is about $15,000 to $30,000. The median jury award in bulging disc cases is $31,000. Bulging disc cases have a lower average settlement value when compared to herniated disc cases.

Can a car accident cause disc bulging?

Spinal disc damage. A traumatic accident like a car crash can damage or displace one or more discs. Common injuries include bulging discs (when a disc shifts out of place and bulges into the spinal canal), annular tears and herniated discs.

How serious is a bulging disc in the neck?

A bulging disc in your neck may be relatively painless. Or it can cause severe pain in your neck, as well as your shoulders, chest, and arms. It may also cause numbness or weakness in your arms or fingers. Sometimes, this pain and numbness may even cause you to think that you’re having a heart attack.

Can whiplash cause bulging disc in neck?

Whiplash can cause damage to discs in the spinal column – including a herniated disc, bulging disc, or pinched nerve. Whiplash occurs when an abrupt motion distorts or extends the back or neck muscles beyond their normal range of motion.

Are bulging discs considered a disability?

A severe herniated disc can be considered a disability and make you eligible for Social Security disability benefits if it meets the requirements in the Social Security Administration’s Blue Book. The Blue Book is the official listing of all of the conditions that qualify a person to receive disability benefits.

Is a bulging disc a permanent injury?

Disc bulges are not permanent. The disc is a fluid filled structure and therefore has the capacity to heal, resolve and be re-absorbed.

Can a bulging disc happen suddenly?

Bulging discs can happen from acute, sudden trauma or they can happen over time. The spinal column itself tends to get weaker as a person ages, so simply getting older puts you at a higher risk of bulging disc pain. The spine is complex and made up of many interconnected bones (vertebrae).

Is a disc bulge a permanent injury?

Once a healthy disc herniates, it will never return to its normal anatomical state—the disease or injury is permanent in nature.

How do they fix bulging disc in neck?

ACDF surgery is the most common method among spine surgeons for treating a cervical herniated disc. In this surgery, the disc is removed through a small one-inch incision in the front of the neck. After removing the disc, the disc space itself is set up for the adjacent vertebrae to eventually grow together and fuse.

Do bulging discs in neck heal?

Statistically, about half of bulging and herniated discs heal within six months after they occur—and only roughly 10% ever need surgery. So non-surgical treatments for your cervical bulging disc will likely be enough to reduce your pain—and thankfully, you can do many of these treatments yourself.

Can a bulging disc be permanent?

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