What nationality is Manoush Zomorodi?

What nationality is Manoush Zomorodi?

Zomorodi received a bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University in English and fine arts. She is half-Persian and half-Swiss but was born in New York City, where she lives with her family.

Is Manoush Zomorodi Persian?

Manoush has received numerous awards for her work, including The Gracie in 2014 and 2018 for Best Radio Host and a Webby for Best Podcast Host in 2020. She is half-Persian and half-Swiss but was born in NYC, where she lives with her family.

Is Manoush Zomorodi married?

She is married to television reporter Josh Robin, with whom she has two children.

How old is Manoush Zomorodi?

Zomorodi, 42, worked for the BBC for more than 10 years, including a stint in Berlin, but now lives in Brooklyn with her husband and two kids.

What is the idea of Manoush Zomorodi?

Journalist Manoush Zomorodi shows how exchanging your smartphone for moments of discomfort can boost creativity. What does it mean to be human in the digital age? That’s the question Manoush Zomorodi seeks to answer in each episode of her award-winning WNYC podcast, Note to Self.

What was Manoush Zomorodi project idea?

I came up with the idea for another project, which was on information overload (we called it Infomagical). How do you manage social media to make sure it doesn’t suck up too much of your time?

How did Manoush Zomorodi come up with her idea?

“I realized I hadn’t been bored since I bought my first iPhone in 2009.” Within 48 hours, 20,000 people accepted the challenge, a response that inspired Zomorodi to dig into the fields of neuroscience and cognitive psychology to explore the connection between boredom and original thinking.

How boredom can lead to your most brilliant ideas TED talk by Manoush Zomorodi?

How boredom can lead to your most brilliant ideas. It’s because when your body goes on autopilot, your brain gets busy forming new neural connections that connect ideas and solve problems. Learn to love being bored as Manoush Zomorodi explains the connection between spacing out and creativity.

What is the project idea of Manoush Zomorodi?

Its first project is ZigZag, a show about the changing culture of business and work. Zomorodi is also the creator and host of Note to Self, “the tech show about being human,” which is a coproduction with WNYC Studios. The show was named “Best Tech Podcast of 2017” by the Academy of Podcasters.

How boredom can lead to your most brilliant ideas Manoush Zomorodi?

In her 2017 TED Talk titled “How Boredom Can Lead to Your Most Brilliant Ideas,” Zomorodi explains the connection between boredom, creativity and innovation. “It turns out that when you get bored, you ignite a network in your brain called the ‘default mode,'” she says in her speech.

What was the Manoush Zomorodi project idea?

Who is the head of Ted?

Chris Anderson
Chris Anderson is the Curator of TED, a nonprofit devoted to sharing valuable ideas, primarily through the medium of ‘TED Talks’ — short talks that are offered free online to a global audience.

Where did Manoush Zomorodi live most of her life?

Zomorodi was born and raised in Princeton, New Jersey and studied English and Fine Arts at Georgetown University. She began her career as a reporter and producer at Thomson Reuters and BBC News. During this time, she lived in Berlin for two years.

What did Manoush Zomorodi win an award for?

Zomorodi has won numerous journalism awards including the New York Press Club Award for Journalism. She was also named Outstanding Host in 2014 by the Alliance of Women in Media. In 2018, she was listed as one of the “100 Most Creative People in Business” by Fast Company.

When did Manoush Zomorodi leave WNYC for NPR?

In 2018, Zomorodi quit WNYC to start a media company, Stable Genius Productions, with her colleague Jen Poyant. The process of starting their company is documented in the podcast ZigZag, which is also their first production. As of March 2020, she is the host of NPR’s TED Radio Hour .

When did Manoush Zomorodi start new tech city?

In September 2012, Zomorodi began hosting a new podcast at WNYC called New Tech City. The name was changed in 2015 to Note to Self. Zomorodi described the show as “the tech show about being Human”.

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