What is Piazza discussion?

What is Piazza discussion?

Piazza is a Question and Answer discussion board that is uniquely designed to facilitate collaborative interaction among students. It is designed to model face-to-face group discussions allowing for the creation of complex questions and complex answers.

What is a piazza in a school?

Piazza is an intuitive platform for instructors to efficiently manage class Q&A. The name Piazza comes from the Italian word for plaza–a common city square where people can come together to share knowledge and ideas. Search Schools: Searching for “Sta” + Add New School.

What is a piazza room?

For Italians, the piazza or square, is not just the architectural space that characterizes cities and villages, but an open air, urban living room. It is the heart of each Italian town where history, architecture and social relations become one. The piazza means belonging to a society and it means daily life.

What is Piazza used for?

Piazza is a learning management system which allows students to ask questions in a forum-type format. Instructors are able to moderate the discussion, along with endorsing accurate answers.

Is Piazza a LMS?

Using Piazza with your Learning Management System (LMS) is very convenient: Instructors can create a Piazza for their class with a single click. Students and instructors are automatically enrolled with appropriate roles, based on the course roster.

Is Piazza still free?

It’s free to get started, and a credit card is not required when creating your class. Payment is due 3 weeks after class start date, to allow for add/drop window.

Is Piazza Italian?

piazza, square or marketplace in an Italian town or city. The word is cognate with the French and English “place” and Spanish “plaza,” all ultimately derived from the Greek plateia, “broad street.” The most celebrated Italian piazza is that designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini in front of St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome.

Is Piazza good?

Good online source for discussion; has features that Collaborize Classroom and others do not. My students are able to post to small groups, whole-class, and privately. I love how they are able to support each other.

Is a piazza a porch?

She used architectural historian Carl Lounsbury’s broad definition of piazza: “a covered open porch or veranda supported by columns or pillars and attached to the outside of a building.” The term began as an Italian word for a public town square.

What can instructors see on Piazza?

All users can vie the Piazza site posting statistics. Students can view cumulative student posting statistics. Instructors can view cumulative student posting statistics and aggregate instructor posting statistics.

Does Piazza cost money?

Piazza is available for free.

Is Piazza anonymous to everyone?

At Piazza, we take students’ privacy very seriously. A student can post so she remains anonymous to her classmates, or even to the instructor if the instructor allows that option. Students may ask their instructors to enroll them in a class using a non-identifying e-mail address, and may use a pseudonym.

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