Can you roast coffee in a popcorn popper?

Can you roast coffee in a popcorn popper?

Any popcorn popper with a metal popping chamber and air vents on the side of the chamber (rather than venting straight into the very bottom) will be just fine for roasting coffee.

At what temperature do you roast coffee?

Keep in mind that for the roasting process to be successful, the beans must be heated to temperatures between 370 degrees F to 540 degrees F. When you roast, be sure the beans remain in constant motion so none of them become scorched.

How do you roast coffee on an electric stove?


  1. Turn on your stovetop exhaust fan, or open a kitchen window.
  2. Measure out about 8-9 oz of coffee by weight, or about 12 oz by volume.
  3. Use a low flame / medium electric burner setting.
  4. Put your beans in the popper and start medium-paced, steady cranking.
  5. Around 6 minutes you should hear the first crack.

How long does it take to roast coffee in a popcorn popper?

3 to 7 minutes
As the beans roast, a thin, papery outer membrane (chaff) will slough off. Place a bowl beneath the popper chute to catch it or orient the popper chute next to the sink. Roasting will take anywhere from 3 to 7 minutes, depending on how dark you like your coffee.

How do I start roasting coffee beans?

How To Roast Your Own Coffee In 6 Simple Steps

  1. Buy unroasted green beans. Pro tip: Buy two pounds raw to yield one pound roasted.
  2. Round up the equipment. Pro tip: Use a popcorn popper or iron skillet to save money.
  3. Start roasting.
  4. Pull them out once they’re dark enough.
  5. Cool beans.
  6. Let them breathe, then start the brew.

How long should you wait after roasting coffee?

Freshly roasted coffee has a shelf life and should be treated with the same care as baked goods or fresh produce. For the best flavor, coffee needs a minimum of 12-24 hours rest after roasting before it is brewed.

How much coffee can I roast in a Whirley Pop?

8.5 ozs
The Whirley-Pop can roast 8.5 ozs of coffee at once. To get started you will need a stovetop roaster with a temperature gauge that goes to 500 F. Without a temperature reading you are roasting blind and will have no idea if you’re burning or baking the beans.

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