What is the New Zealand Curriculum?

What is the New Zealand Curriculum?

The New Zealand Curriculum is a statement of official policy relating to teaching and learning in English-medium New Zealand schools. Its principal function is to set the direction for student learning and to provide guidance for schools as they design and review their curriculum.

What is the intention of the New Zealand Curriculum?

The purpose of The New Zealand Curriculum is to set the direction for student learning in our schools and to provide guidance for schools as they give shape to its intent by the actions they take within their particular contexts. The New Zealand Curriculum refers to this process as curriculum design and review.

How do you reference the New Zealand Curriculum?

Wellington: NZCER. Ministry of Education (2007). The New Zealand Curriculum. Wellington: Learning Media.

When was the NZ curriculum introduced?

The total revision of the New Zealand school curriculum began in 1991 in both English and Māori. New National Curriculum Statements progressively replaced old syllabuses from 1992.

What is the name of the Maori curriculum?

Te Aho Arataki Marau mō te Ako i Te Reo Māori/Curriculum Guidelines for Teaching and Learning Te Reo Māori is intended to help every English-medium school1 in New Zealand to design and shape a curriculum that includes te reo Māori, alongside other learning areas, and acknowledges its value.

What are the 8 key learning areas?

Disciplinary knowledge, skills and understanding are described in the eight learning areas of the Australian Curriculum: English, Mathematics, Science, Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, The Arts, Technologies and Languages.

What is kei tua o te pae?

An Introduction to Kei Tua o te Pae is the first in a series of books of exemplars developed to consider and inform assessment practice in early childhood education. It discusses what assessment for learning entails. The framework for the development of the exemplars emerged from the philosophy of Te Whàriki.

How do you reference the 7th APA?

In-text referencing APA 7th is an ‘author/date’ system, so your in-text references for all formats (book, journal article, web document) consists of the author(s) surname and year of publication. The basics of an in-text reference in APA: Include author or authors and year of publication. Use round brackets.

Who wrote Te Aho Matua?

Kura Kaupapa Māori
Presented in the Māori language, Te Aho Matua has been written by the pioneers of Kura Kaupapa Māori as a foundation document for their kura.

Which is the National Curriculum of New Zealand?

The National Curriculum is composed of The New Zealand Curriculum and Te Marautanga o Aotearoa which set the direction for student learning and provide guidance for schools as they design and review their curriculum.

What are the learning areas in New Zealand?

Important for a broad, general education. The New Zealand Curriculum specifies eight learning areas: English, the arts, health and physical education, learning languages, mathematics and statistics, science, social sciences, and technology.

Why is the National Curriculum important to schools?

The national curriculum provides the framework and common direction for schools, regardless of type, size, or location. It gives schools the scope, flexibility, and authority they need to design and shape their curriculum so that teaching and learning is meaningful and beneficial to their particular communities of students.

Why is the first half of the curriculum important?

The Curriculum signals learning students should experience and why those experiences are considered important. The first half of the Curriculum contains future -focused education outcomes and begins with the vision of “young people who are competent and creative, connected and actively involved” (Ministry of Education, 2007, p. 10).

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