How do I mask a URL link?

How do I mask a URL link?

How to mask (cloak) a destination URL

  2. Give the destination URL and other information (Watch video)
  3. Click on Mask URL option button.

What is a masked URL redirect?

A masked redirect empowers you to use content from another domain while keeping your original domain name in the address bar. You use the URL of your homepage (your domain name) as the URL for every page of your website. A masked redirect is also called URL cloaking or domain masking.

How do you make a URL link something else?

Change an existing hyperlink

  1. Right-click anywhere on the link and, on the shortcut menu, click Edit Hyperlink.
  2. In the Edit Hyperlink dialog, select the text in the Text to display box.
  3. Type the text you want to use for the link, and then click OK.

How do I mask URL in Chrome?

To get started enter “about:flags” into the Address Bar and hit Enter. Scroll down until you see the listing for Compact Navigation. Enable it and let the browser restart to gain access to the feature. Once the browser has restarted right click on one of the tabs and select Hide the toolbar from the Context Menu.

How do I mask my domain name in the address bar?

Domain masking can also be facilitated using DNS settings on your hosting provider. To redirect the domain you need to select your domain name and set a (masked) 301 redirect which hides the actual domain name from the address on the user’s browser.

What is Blogger URL?

Your site address, also known as your site URL, is what people use to access your site. It’s what they type in the address bar of their web browser to visit your site. is an example of a site URL and Edublogs Help and Support is the site title.

How do I make a clickable link on my phone?

On your Android tablet or phone

  1. On your Android tablet, tap the Insert tab. On your Android phone, tap the Edit icon. at the top of your screen, tap Home, and then tap Insert.
  2. Tap Link.
  3. Enter the text to display and the address of your link.
  4. Tap Insert.

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