What does Foos yer doos mean?

What does Foos yer doos mean?

how are your pigeons?
“Foos yer doos?” literally translates to “how are your pigeons?” but if someone says this to you don’t panic, you don’t need to make up some elaborate story about your fake pigeons.

What do they speak in Aberdeen?

Language. Scots is one of the main languages of Scotland but even Scots has numerous dialects, one of which is Doric, the dialect of Aberdeen and the northeast of Scotland. Doric is such a distinct dialect that some even argue it is a language of its own.

What is the Scottish word for sweetheart?

JO n.
JO n., a sweetheart.

What does Hoddit and Doddit mean?

#HodditAndDoddit [hod-it-n-dod-it] 2 idiots. “That Hoddit and Doddit ur buildin an extension cos thir new 3D telly makes the room awfy fu’.”

What does ill tricket mean?

ill tricket Prone to play tricks, mischievous.

What does tatties over the side mean?

Consider this the Scottish version of “everything turning pear-shaped.” When something is “tatties over the side,” it means that everything went wrong.

How do you say soulmate in Gaelic?

‘Anam Cara’ is the beautiful Celtic phrase which loosely translates as ‘Soulmate’. ‘Anam’ is the Irish Gaelic word for ‘soul’, ‘cara’ translates from Irish (Gaelic) to friend. So, the literal meaning is soul friend.

What are some common words in the Aberdonian dialect?

Aberdonians have a long association with agriculture and you will note many words such as backeyn, heow and hackstock have farming associations. Though these may be seldom used more modern ones such as atween, far hiv ye bin and teuchter are commonplace around the Grampian region.

What kind of car does an Aberdonian drive?

Buy on Kindle and other devices or Paperback . An Aberdonian is out for a drive in his shiny new red Mini Cooper. As he drives through Royal Deeside he marvels at the luscious greenery of the trees and grass. He pulls up to get a bit of fresh air and a break from driving.

What are some Scottish sayings and slang words?

For sayings sent in by visitors see the Your Sayings page. Some Scottish words and slang…. Note: For pronunciation we tend to drop the G from words that end “ing” example… walkin, runnin, stayin, leavin, waitin, sayin, workin, singin, drinkin, stoppin, etc.

Where can I find Doric phrases in Scotland?

Doric Phrases. Doric is the dialect spoken in the North East of Scotland, commonly heard in Aberdeen and around Aberdeenshire and Moray.

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