How do I crop a picture into a circle Shape?

How do I crop a picture into a circle Shape?

Crop an image to a shape, such as a circle

  1. Use Insert > Picture to add the image to an Office file (such as a Word document, PowerPoint presentation, or an Outlook email message).
  2. Click the picture.
  3. Click Picture Tools > Format, and in the Size group, click the arrow under Crop.

How do I make a circle selection in Photoshop?

If you want a circular selection, press the Shift key too, as you’re dragging. Release your finger from the mouse/trackpad and then from the Shift key. Tip: After you make a selection, you can re-position it by clicking inside the marching ants with a selection tool and dragging.

How do you crop on Photoshop?

Crop a photo

  1. From the toolbar, select the Crop Tool .
  2. Draw a new cropping area or drag the corner and edge handles to specify the crop boundaries in your photo.
  3. (Optional) Specify the Crop options using the Control bar.
  4. Press Enter (Windows) or Return (Mac OS) to crop the photo.

How do I crop an image in Photoshop without cropping?

If you simply want to edit one layer, go to the Layers panel and select it. Then, if you want to just “crop” that one, use the Marquee selection tool (M keyboard shortcut), make a selection, and then invert your selection (Select > Inverse or SHIFT+CTRL+I) and press Delete. *Poof!* All gone.

How do I crop a selection in Photoshop?

To make a crop selection, hold down the left mouse button and drag a rectangle across the image….Crop Tool

  1. With the pointer inside the selection, double-click your mouse.
  2. With the pointer outside the selection, right-click the mouse and select Crop.
  3. Open the Image menu and select Crop.

How do I crop a specific shape in Photoshop?

How to Crop an Irregular Shape in Photoshop

  1. Press “F7” to open the Photoshop Layers panel.
  2. Double-click the icon of a lock beside your image layer if one appears there.
  3. Right-click the “lasso” icon in the toolbox and then click “Polygonal lasso tool” to change your mouse pointer to a small, irregular shape.

How do I crop a layer in Photoshop?

Highlight the layer you want to crop in your layers panel. Now choose whether you want to crop the layer with the delete method, or layer mask method. For the delete method, press Command + Shift + I (Mac) or Control + Shift + I (PC) to invert your selection. Press the Delete Key to crop the layer into the shape.

How do I create shapes in Photoshop cs6?

Follow these quick steps to create shapes in Photoshop:

  1. Select a shape tool. From the toolbar, click and hold the Shape tool ( ) group icon to bring up the various shape tool options — Rectangle, Ellipse, Triangle, Polygon, Line, and Custom Shape.
  2. Set shape tool options.
  3. Draw a shape.
  4. Edit shape properties.

How do you make a circle crop in Photoshop?

How to Crop a Circle in Photoshop Step 1: Open your image in Photoshop Step 2: Double click on the Background layer and make it a Normal layer – just click OK. Step 3: Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool Step 4: Create the circle Step 5: Inverse the layer Step 6: Delete the outer layers Step 7: Crop your image to save Step 8: Save as .png

How do you crop a photo into a circle?

How To Crop An Image Into A Circle Shape Step 1: Open Your Image Step 2: Convert The Background Layer Into A Normal Layer Step 3: Select The Elliptical Marquee Tool Step 4: Draw A Circular Selection Outline Step 5: Reposition The Selection Outline If Needed Step 6: Invert The Selection Step 7: Delete The Area Around The Circle

Where is crop tool Photoshop?

Photoshop Crop Tool. The Crop tool allows you to select an area of an image and discard everything outside this area. The tool is located third from the top in the Photoshop Toolbox, on the left side.

How do you cut an image online?

Quick Steps to cut a shape from an image. Upload your image on the Online Image Editor. Choose the Cut Shapes button in the toolbar. Select the shape which you want to use for your image. Resize the image or the overlay shape with the sliders to fit your needs. Set border blurring for edge fading effect.

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