How do you make addition and subtraction fun?

How do you make addition and subtraction fun?

Practice adding and subtracting on a number line with this grasshopper math game. Grab some pipe cleaners and pony beads to build math facts. Use subtraction flash cards and play dough for this fun subtraction game. Use nuts and bolts to practice addition and subtraction.

What are some math key words?

Below is a partial list.

  • Addition: increased by. more than. combined, together. total of.
  • Subtraction: decreased by. minus, less. difference between/of.
  • Multiplication: of. times, multiplied by. product of.
  • Division: per, a. out of. ratio of, quotient of.
  • Equals. is, are, was, were, will be. gives, yields. sold for, cost.

What are addition key words?

Addition-sum, altogether, all, in all, together, total, total number, add, increase, increased by, more than. Subtraction-minus, greater than, take away, fewer than, less than, subtract, decreased by.

What is subtraction easy words?

In math, to subtract means to take away from a group or a number of things. In the subtraction problem, 7 – 3 = 4, the number 7 is the minuend, the number 3 is the subtrahend and the number 4 is the difference. Here’s another example of a subtraction problem.

How do you teach addition fun?

Try these fun addition activities in the classroom or at home to help your students become math wizards in no time!

  1. Build block towers.
  2. Play a game of addition Jenga.
  3. Create an addition apple tree.
  4. Use stickers for hands-on practice.
  5. Park and add some toy cars.
  6. Thread beads onto pipe cleaners.
  7. Deal UNO cards.

What are keywords in math word problems?

What are Word Problem Key Words? Word problem key words are words or phrases that signal which operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) are needed in order to solve a math word problem.

Does how many mean add or subtract?

how many more tells you to compare how much one group or person has more than the other…you subtract (-) to find the difference. When you have some but some are left over, you subtract (-) the small number from the big number or total to find the rest or other small number.

How do you teach addition and subtraction in kindergarten?

How to Teach Addition | 7 Simple Steps

  1. Introduce the concept using countable manipulatives. Using countable manipulatives (physical objects) will make addition concrete and much easier to understand.
  2. Transition to visuals.
  3. Use a number line.
  4. Counting Up.
  5. Finding the ten.
  6. Word problems.
  7. Memorize the math facts.

How do you teach relationships between addition and subtraction?

What is the relationship between addition and subtraction? Addition and subtraction are the inverse operations of each other. Put simply, this means that they are the opposite. You can undo an addition through subtraction, and you can undo a subtraction through addition.

What are the key words for addition?

Algebraic Expressions and Key Words for Addition. As, you can see from the red, bold words, the key words for addition are: sum, more than, plus, increase, add, older than. Please also remember that addition is commutative; therefore, you can reverse the digits and you will end up with the same answer.

What are words used to describe subtraction?

Synonyms for subtraction include deduction, reduction, decrease, diminution, debit, deletion, detraction, discount, removal and subduction. Find more similar words at

What is the word for the answer in subtraction?

The answer in subtraction is called the remainder, or difference. A WEEK OF INSTRUCTION AND AMUSEMENT, MRS.

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