What is going to happen before Judgement day?

What is going to happen before Judgement day?

Shia believe that before the Day of Judgement, Muhammad al-Mahdi will return with a group of chosen companions. This return is more properly known as zuhur or ‘appearance,’ as the Hidden Imam is believed to have remained alive during his period of occultation, since the year 874.

What do Muslims expect to happen before and on the day of Judgement?

13. Briefly describe what Muslims expect to happen before and on the Day of Judgement. All humanity will stand before Allah and the destiny of each will be known. Mahdi will bring order to the earth.

What are the events that will take place on the day of Judgement?

Muslims believe that on a day decided by Allah , and known only to Allah, life on Earth will come to an end and Allah will destroy everything. On this day all the people who have ever lived will be raised from the dead and will face judgement by Allah.

What were the key events in the early days of Islam?


  • 570 – Muhammad is born in the city of Mecca.
  • 610 – The religion of Islam begins when Muhammad receives the first revelations of the Quran.
  • 622 – Muhammad and his followers move to Medina to escape persecution in Mecca.
  • 630 – Muhammad returns to Mecca and gains control of the city.

How do u go to heaven?

You might think that all you have to do is be a good person, go to church, or help others. However, the Bible teaches that the only way to get to heaven is by becoming a Christian, which you do by accepting Jesus as your Savior.

What happens in barzakh?

After death, most Muslims believe that the soul will enter Barzakh, a state of waiting, until the Day of Judgement. When a person dies, their soul is taken by Azra’il, the Angel of Death. If the questions are answered correctly, the good soul then sleeps during Barzakh.

What are major events in Islam?


  • Al-Hijra — Islamic New Year. Marks the end of Mohammad’s journey from Mecca to Medina.
  • Eid ul-Adha — Festival of Sacrifice.
  • Eid ul-Fitr — End of Muslim Month of Fasting (Ramadan).
  • Prophet’s Birthday — Celebration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad.
  • Ramadan — Muslim Month of Fasting.

Is dancing allowed in Islam?

A majority of scholars who cite that hadith say it permits dancing under certain conditions: no alcohol, no gender mixing, no effeminate moves, and don’t do it excessively. Other scholars said dancing is forbidden only if it leads to indecent touching or movements.

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