Are there postcodes in Kuwait?

Are there postcodes in Kuwait?

This is the Kuwait Post Code page….Detail Postcode.

District Locality, Sub-locality, Area Postal Code
Al-Jahra Al Jahra, Al Salmiya 03010
Al Jahra, Abdali 03200
Al Jahra, Abdali 03201
Al Jahra, Abdali 03210

Where can I find a postal code? To find a zip code with, you need to fill in the fields with your USA street address, city, and state. Then click Find and you’ll get your postal code. There is also a tab to get zip code for a company.

Who is the Kuwait capital?

Kuwait City
The capital of Kuwait is Kuwait City, which was founded 1613. Kuwait City has been the capital since 1716. Kuwait City is located at 29.3759° N, 47.9774° E at an elevation of 1004′.

What is the example of postcode?

The postcode in the USA is called zip code and consists of five digits. Furthermore, the two-letter abbreviation for the respective federal state precedes the code. Examples of American usage: CA 95383.

What’s my postal code India?

Currently India has 6 digit post code and soon it will be converted in 8 digits. Postal Index Number (PIN) is a six digit code used by Indian Postal services. It was devised on 15 August, 1972….Hemant Singh.

S. No. Postal Code Geographical Area
3. PIN Code:3 Gujarat, Rajasthan, Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli

What is the post code for Kuwait?

Kuwait Using 5 digits Postal formats. Find your Postcodes below list. Code Location. 10002 Safat. 14000 Qublah. 14001 Qublah 1. 14002 Qublah 2. 14003 Qublah 3. 14004 Qublah 4.

What is the ZIP code of Kuwait?

There is no one single zip code for Kuwait City. Here are some zip codes for Kuwait City: 13043 and 81006. Read More

What is the postal code of Al Ahmadi Kuwait?

Al Ahmadi Postal / ZIP Codes Postal / ZIP codes and places in Al Ahmadi Abu Halifa 054600, 054601, 054602, 054603, 054604, 054605, 054606, 0…

What is an example of a postal code?

Examples of postal codes are GA107, EO1070, and N503074 . The postal codes are alphanumeric and are variable in length, ranging from five to seven characters.

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