What catchphrase is Jean-Luc Picard known for?

What catchphrase is Jean-Luc Picard known for?

“Make It So”: As the Captain’s command to set things in motion, Picard used this time-honored catchphrase as far back as The Next Generation’s pilot episode, “Encounter At Farpoint—Part 1.” “Number One”: Every Captain needs a second-in-command, and for Picard, that’s Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes).

What did Captain Picard always say?

From Jean-Luc Picard, wikiquote: Make it so. Catchphrase first used in “Encounter At Farpoint” (28 September 1987) by Gene Roddenberry, and thereafter used in many episodes and films, instructing a crew member to execute an order.

Did Picard mate with the Metamorph?

Kamala was a Kriosian empathic metamorph from Krios Prime, and the first female metamorph born on her planet in over a hundred years. She fell in love with Captain Jean-Luc Picard at a time where she was arranged to marry another man for political reasons.

Who played the perfect mate in Star Trek?

Famke Janssen
Famke Janssen (born 5 November 1965; age 55), pronounced as “Fahm-Kuh Yan-Sun”, is the Dutch actress who played Kamala in the Star Trek: The Next Generation fifth season episode “The Perfect Mate”. This was one of her first notable roles, and her first television appearance.

Why is Picard a great leader?

Captain Jean-Luc Picard always promotes a clear vision of what Starfleet is all about. He motivates his crew members to be the best they can be can empowers them with the knowledge they need to get out there and make it so. Picard is leading at a time when Federation ideologies and practices have matured.

Who said things are only impossible until they’re not?

Jean-Luc Picard
Quote by Jean-Luc Picard: “Things are only impossible until they are not.”

What did Jane Way say instead of engage?

A hilarious video compilation of all the times Star Trek: Voyager’s Captain Janeway says “do it!” Jean-Luc Picard had “make it so”, Spock had “live long and prosper”, Checkov had “wessel”, but Janeway ended up with “do it!”

What was Captain Kirk’s phrase?

Famous Captain Kirk Quotes from Star Trek. When he talks about getting into the Warp seed, Captain James T Kirk always says, “Wrap me!” or “It’s wrap time.” Many such Captain James T Kirk quotes are spread across the Star Trek Franchise and have become a part of the people’s everyday language.

Did Picard marry?

Crusher and Captain Picard had been married and then divorced—still evidently having feelings for each other after so many years. Little information is given about the circumstances of their marriage or separation. Beverly and Jean-Luc have married, but still serve together on the Enterprise-E.

Does Jean-Luc Picard get married?

In novels by Pocket Books, Picard has married Beverly Crusher, and they have a son named René Jacques Robert François Picard. Jean-Luc also corresponds regularly with Marie, his sister-in-law, who still maintains the family vineyards.

How tall is Famke Janssen?

1.82 m
Famke Janssen/Height

What are some quotes from Jean Luc Picard?

“The road from legitimate suspicion to rampant paranoia is very much shorter than we think.” “Things are only impossible until they are not.” “The acquisition of wealth is no longer the driving force of our lives. We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity.”

When did Jean Luc Picard first appear on TV?

Jean-Luc Picard was introduced on television in 1987, in the debut episode ” Encounter at Farpoint ” of Star Trek: The Next Generation. In this science fiction television show, he is the captain of a manned spacecraft of the fictional organization Starfleet as it visits various exoplanets and aliens.

When did Jean Luc Picard turn into Locutus?

In 2374, when Captain Kathryn Janeway was conducting negotiations with the Borg during the Borg-Species 8472 War, she requested to speak to an individual, and cited to the Borg: ” You’ve done it before, when you transformed Jean-Luc Picard into Locutus. ” ( VOY: ” Scorpion, Part II “)

Where does Jean Luc Picard live in Star Trek?

A now-retired Admiral Picard lives in solitude on the Picard estate in La Barre, France. His retirement was brought upon by his failure to save the Romulans from the Hobus supernova depicted in Star Trek (the 2009 film).

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