What is the difference between LighterLife and LighterLife fast?

What is the difference between LighterLife and LighterLife fast?

You eat significantly fewer calories on two days per week then eat and drink normally on the days in between. By ‘fast’, LighterLife are not talking about how to lose weight fast, instead, they’re talking about restricting calories by alternate day fasting – this is LighterLife’s take on the 5:2 diet.

How much weight can I lose on LighterLife fast?

On average, people using LighterLife Fast lose around 2lb per week.

Can you drink coffee on LighterLife?

nice food all you can have is a horible bar or shake! and you have to drink 3ltres of water a day. You can only drink black coffee & you cant even eat a piece of chewing gum when you get smelly breath from not eating.

Is LighterLife the same as Cambridge Diet?

Both The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan and LighterLife are very-low calorie diets (VLCD) use meal replacements to achieve results. We would recommend consulting a doctor before starting these programmes.

Can you drink peppermint tea on LighterLife?

What tea can I drink on LighterLife? Only tea made from the leaf is suitable on the LighterLife programme, for example; Breakfast, Peppermint, Green and Earl Grey.

Can I cancel my LighterLife subscription?

Cancellation and Changes to your Order For orders on subscription, you can cancel the subscription within 7 (seven) days of your subscription order and the first payment being paid.

What is Flexi fasting?

FlexiFasting is the intermittent fasting plan that, is as flexible as you want it to be. You choose how many Foodpacks you have along with conventional food choices.

Are VLCD diets safe?

Are VLCDs Safe? VLCDs are generally safe when used under proper medical supervision in people with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30. Use of VLCDs in people with a BMI of 27 to 30 should be reserved for those who have medical complications resulting from their obesity.

What tea can you drink on LighterLife?

Is SlimFast as good as Cambridge?

However, the Cambridge Diet, which has officially been renamed to the Cambridge Weight Plan, is a type of VLCD, i.e. very low calorie diet, as it recommends eating as less as possible….

SlimFast Diet Diet
Daily Calorie Consumption Approximately 1200 calories Between 415 calories to more than 1500 a day

What tea can I drink on LighterLife?

Is it safe to fast on the LighterLife diet?

Fast two days a week, limiting yourself to 800 cals by eating four food packs, and eat normally for the other five days. Is the LighterLife diet safe? The first stage of the diet, the Total VCLD plan, is the most worrying aspect of it.

How much weight can you lose with LighterLife?

Dr Kelly Johnston Head of Nutrition & Research LighterLife’s products all meet UK and EU food standards, so you’re getting optimal nutrition during weight loss. Women typically lose around a stone a month and men drop around 1st 7lb. Research shows losing weight more quickly can lead to better long-term results.

How many food packs per week on LighterLife?

It’s a meal replacement concept, with dieters eating 28 LighterLife food packs per week – equating to four per day. Despite depriving yourself in terms of calorie intake, those behind the plan claim dieters will get 100 per cent of their recommended vitamins and minerals from the food packs.

Who is the psychologist for the LighterLife club?

Dr Becky Spelman Psychologist, Harley Street The groups help you understand what goes through your mind around food. That’s what I love about LighterLife; it’s not a slimming club that introduces a short-term fad diet, it’s addressing the psychological side of eating.

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