What are good cichlid tank mates?

What are good cichlid tank mates?

List of Tank Mates for Quick Reading

  • African Butterfly Cichlid.
  • African Red-Eyed Tetra.
  • Clown Loaches.
  • Flying Fox Fish.
  • Giant Danios.
  • Leopard Bushfish.
  • Murray River Rainbowfish.
  • Plecos.

How big do Yellow Lab cichlids get?

A: A mature Yellow Lab cichlid generally grows to around four inches in length. However, if provided with a very large aquarium, good water conditions, and appropriate foods, they can grow bigger.

How do you store Mbuna cichlids?

8 essentials for success with mbuna

  1. Hard, alkaline water — pH upwards of 7.5; temperature 24–26°C/75–79°F.
  2. Well-filtered water — zero ammonia and nitrite; nitrate should be below 40ppm.
  3. Well-oxygenated water — add extra aeration with an airstone or Venturi.

Can you put cichlids with angelfish?

Though many species in the cichlid family are known for their aggression, angelfish are typically not very aggressive. Even small cichlids like rams, Krib’s cichlids and keyholes can cohabitate peacefully with angelfish.

Can I keep different apistogramma together?

You can mix Apisto’s in a larger habitat but with caution. Apistos only live in the lower water column so long and deep is a good tank for them. They also like to hide and will do so if stressed or not liking their environment.

What other cichlids can I keep with yellow labs?

Yellow lab cichlid is itself a risk for shrimps, crabs, snails, and different smaller fish. The perfect companions may be different Mbuna fish and Malawi cichlid species equivalent to Yellow Tail Acei cichlid, blue dolphin cichlids, Rusty cichlid, Perlmutt, Zebroids, and so on.

What can live with yellow Lab cichlids?

The best companions are other placid species of mbuna and even Malawi cichlids. From the mbuna choose Pseudotropheus acei, Gephyrochromis, Iodotropheus and other Labidochromis.

How do you stop aggression in mbuna?

The main methods used to reduce aggression include combining fish with similar size and temperament characteristics, combining fish with different coloration and patterns, appropriate feeding, combining fish that occupy different levels in the aquarium, providing enough horizontal space, providing adequate cover.

Can bettas live with cichlids?

Because both these types of fish are aggressive and territorial, they cannot be kept in a tank together. Large cichlids will swallow bettas whole. It would be stressful for bettas to be kept in a tank with cichlids. They would harass them, and dwarf cichlids may nip at bettas fins.

Can cichlids live with Gouramis?

Some of the small dwarf cichlids from South America might work with certain gourami species. Generally it is not recommended, as the gourami and cichlid males are territorial and aggressive.

Can you keep apistogramma with Rams?

Apistogramma Dwarf Cichlids They prefer slightly acidic to neutral water chemistry (pH 6.0-7.0) but don’t need especially soft conditions to breed in. They will be territorial and will occasionally chase intruders, especially other cichlids like Blue Rams.

How big of a tank does an AFRA Edwardi need?

Afra Edwardi are maternal mouthbrooders that breed in mixed sex groups when they reach 2″ to 2 1/2″ in size. In an aquarium environment they can be bred in a tank as small as 15 to 20 gallons, but larger tanks give better results. For the best results, keep two males in a tank with 4 to 6 females.

What kind of habitat does Afra Edwardi live in?

Afra Edwardi are non aggressive towards other cichlids and mix well with most other mbuna that are not of the same color. They can be kept with Haplochromis, some of the Lake Victorian cichlids, and with some Peacocks as long as they have plenty of rock caves in their tank.

What kind of color does a c.afra have?

The basic coloration of the male C. afra is a light blue with 7 strong black crossbands and eggspots on the anal fin, with the female being more of a blue-gray to slate gray. There are also many different color morphs and varieties in lavender, blue, light blue, yellow and everything in between.

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